





Jarrod Brown
I think this largely depends on your definition of “powerful.”
Indonesia has the largest population as well as the largest economy, making it an extremely influential player.
Singapore, with the highest per capita income and strong international financial, shipping, manufacturing, and technology, and therefore exerts influence beyond it size and population. It is also an exporter of defense technology.
Indonesia and Singapore also spend the most on defense.
Thailand is the second largest economy, has an entrenched middle class with strong military ties, and in part because of that, a fairly large defense budget and a very strategic position, sharing borders with the rest of mainland Southeast Asia except Vietnam and Singapore.

Vietnam has been steadily increasing its defense spending since it came into conflict regarding the South China Sea with China, and is very influential in both Laos and Cambodia, its next door neighbors, overshadowing Thailand despite the close cultural ties. I would not say it is the most powerful, but its star is rising.
So, that means that Malaysia, Brunei, East Timor, the Philippines, and Burma (Myanmar) probably are not the most powerful. Malaysia could have been a contender, but mismanagement under Najib has seriously undermined its position in Southeast Asia and globally. The Philippines has a strong economy and military, but have been unable to deal with domestic issues, let alone project power into the South China Sea unlike both Indonesia and Vietnam.

David Nivala
Southeast Asia, includes the sovereign countries of Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, East Timor, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and Vietnam. Approx. 10% of the world’s population is in this region.
Of these, Indonesia is the largest in land mass (1.9, million square km) and population (250 million) and Singapore is the smallest land mass (724 square km) with a population of 5.5 million.
Indonesia has the highest GDP ($1.2 Trillion), Thailand has the second highest GDP ($0.4 Trillion), while East Timor has the lowest GDP ($0.004 Trillion)
Singapore is the wealthiest ($52,000 per capita GDP), Brunei is the second wealthiest ($37,000 per capita GDP) and Myanmar the poorest ($964 per capita GDP).
As far as military strength, Indonesia is ranked highest followed by Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, then Malaysia.
Hence, overall Indonesia is possibly the strongest, based on economic and military strength.

Yu Cheng,
Vietnam, period. 3 of the P5 have tried their luck in Vietnam. Name another country in SEA that can do this.
US: They won the Vietnam War against the US.
China: They also fought with the Chinese. China made a quick invasion and kept the conflict at the border without launching any further full-scale invasions, because Vietnam is not a weak enemy. Vietnam actually occupies a lot of islands in the South China Sea, in the face of China.
France: If we count the First Indochina War - Wikipedia, France also tried its luck in Vietnam.
Singapore has purchased fancy US weapons. But, Vietnam actually won a war against the US, a real war. Respect cannot be purchased, you know.

Sogesu Tran
In terms of military, Vietnam is the strongest.
Strength made by military tradition, war experiences, spirit of people and culture in the country not by wealth, or essentially number of weapon. You can buy modern weapons and getting richer but you cant buy tradition and experience and long respect. You may be drop weapons and routed when hearing gun fires or explosion because of low fighting moral and bunch of populous cowards. Viet is not like that. They always resiliently fight back. Vietnam is some thing like Prussia in Europe date back in 13th-19th century. Small but tough.

Roy Yu
It depends on what you mean by being the most powerful.
Overall Indonesia is the most powerful and influential in the region due to its large population and area. Indonesia also has the largest economy and a member of G20.
Indonesian military is ranked as the 14th strongest in the world. A war among ASEAN countries will be a very unlikely scenario. Should there be a war, I think Singapore and Malaysia will prevail. Both countries are members of The Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) which are a series of defence relationships established by a series of multi-lateral agreements between the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore (all Commonwealth members) signed in 1971, whereby the five powers are to consult each other "immediately" in the event or threat of an armed attack on Malaysia or Singapore for the purpose of deciding what measures should be taken jointly or separately in response.
Rather than determining who is the most powerful, I would prefer ASEAN countries to prosper as a whole. We are all brothers and sisters with the same heart and soul.

M Fawwaz Mayda
Overall, which is the strongest country in Southeast Asia?
For simple i will say its Indonesia
First thing first, Indonesia wins in term of population that can be translated as available man power. This result in the combat superiority as well as others supporting factors.
Second, Indonesia has powerful troops to be deployed in the battlefield. Kopassus that ranked third best special forces in the world.
Third, The defence industry of Indonesia is quite capable of making such of tanks,gun,artilery weapons,missile,and even aircraft. In addition Indonesia is the only country that making its own fighter jet in South East Asia(collaboration with Korea).
Fourth, this point is a bit pointless. Indonesia by far has most advanced Nuclear program in South East Asia. This can be mean Indonesia can develop such a powerful Nuclear weapon in future.
Also rank form Global Firepower 2016 ranked Indonesia first in South East Asia region.