




为什么人们都渴望"a semblance of normality" ?

导语:今天给大家带来的是最新的新闻,关于新加坡的情况,这个国家还是屈服了,不得不才与严格措施来控制, 确实很严格,又是罚款,又是坐牢....一起来学习下

As the world shut its doors, Singapore remained open for business. Its measured yet effective approach to containing covid-19, which won praise from the World Health Organisation, permitted shops, restaurants and schools to stay open. No longer. Confronted with a sudden surge in new cases, almost all of them contracted locally, the government has decided to adopt much more stringent measures to slow the spread of the virus. On April 7th all but essential businesses closed, with Singaporeans allowed out of their homes only to buy food and medicine, to exercise and get their hair cut. The “circuit-breaker”, as the government calls it, will remain in place for at least a month. Those who violate a new law banning public and private gatherings risk a $7,000 fine, a six-month stint in prison or both. Even Singapore is no longer able to preserve a semblance of normality.


第1⃣️句:As the world shut its doors, Singapore remained open for business.


第2⃣️句:Its measured yet effective approach to containing covid-19, which won praise from the World Health Organisation, permitted shops, restaurants and schools to stay open.


第3⃣️句:No longer.


第4⃣️句:Confronted with a sudden surge in new cases, almost all of them contracted locally, the government has decided to adopt much more stringent measures to slow the spread of the virus.


第5⃣️句:On April 7th all but essential businesses closed, with Singaporeans allowed out of their homes only to buy food and medicine, to exercise and get their hair cut.


第6⃣️句:The “circuit-breaker”, as the government calls it, will remain in place for at least a month.


第7⃣️句:Those who violate a new law banning public and private gatherings risk a $7,000 fine, a six-month stint in prison or both.


第8⃣️句:Even Singapore is no longer able to preserve a semblance of normality.



  1. measured adj. 审慎的,缓慢的
  2. to contain covid-19 控制新冠肺炎
  3. contract v. 感染
  4. adopt much more stringent measures 采取更严格的措施
  5. essential businesses 关键行业
  6. violate a new law 违反新的法律
  7. public and private gatherings 公众私下人群聚集
  8. a semblance of normality 正常生活的样子
  9. semblance /ˈsɛmbləns/ n. 外貌/样子
