坚守者 | MQDC、Redland-scape 、Shma、TROP::新时代新趋势







坚守者 | MQDC、Redland-scape 、Shma、TROP::新时代新趋势

Kittiphun Ouiyamaphun

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited

Project Director

Kittiphun Ouiyamaphun先生2001年毕业于雷丁大学。进入MQDC以来,一直负责公司主题项目The Forestias·芳林城市的开发运营,致力于为客户提供一系列健康、可持续的生活方式。




Kittiphun Ouiyamaphun

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited

Project Director

Mr. Kittiphun Ouiyamaphun graduated from Reading University with a Master Degree in 2001.

He has been responsible for The Forestias project of MDQC,aiming at provide a range of healthy, sustainable lifestyles for people.

Property design and development in the future must focus deeply not only on human well-being but also biodiversity. Developments will have to think beyond minimizing their environmental impact. They should also curate settings that let natural ecosystems thrive, integrating green spaces with communities to enhance the well-being of both humans and the rest of nature. Sustainable, eco-friendly, and resilient development will become the norm, maintained through effective standards. Zero carbon emissions will play a critical role in development.


Wish the 8th CREDAWARD a great success!




Pasongjit Kaewdang

Redland-scape Limited

Managing Director

Pasongjit Kaewdang 先生在新加坡、香港和泰国拥有超过 28 年的国际工作经验。他积累了宝贵的经验,并成立了“Redland-scape”。作为一家拥有超过 19 年的历史的专业的景观建筑设计公司,"Redland-scape”专注于景观和城市发展,展望未来的可能性,创造地方的景观价值。它不仅代表了景观设计中的一种声音,同时平衡了自然的独特性,符合人们的审美需求。


但市场依然存在“化危为机”的机会,疫情停摆的两年,市场上存量的楼盘持续被抢购一空,这使得今年的房地产市场开始以新的方式发展,以满足疫情后现代社会的需求。目前我们开始看到市场逐渐好转,大家也开始新的生活方式和工作方式。随着全球通讯快速发展,我们身处在技术日益现代化和便利的时代。我们设计师近两年都在 “居家办公”,这为我们团队提供了机会去开发潜力、创造新的标准、加强协作流程,短时间内提高了标准化运营流程。



Pasongjit Kaewdang

Managing Director

Redland-scape Limited

Mr. Pasongjit Kaewdang has international working experiences for more than 28 years in Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand. He gathered valued experiences to establish his company “Redland-scape”.

Redland-scape is a professional landscape architecture design firm base in Bangkok for over 19 years since 2003 which specialize in landscape and urban development, envision the future possibilities and create landscape value of the places.

It is not only representing an accent in landscape architecture but also balance that distinctiveness with nature that correspond to the aesthetics along the needs of people.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 in early 2020, the real estate business market in Thailand and other countries has been at a standstill. Projects in the real estate industry are suspended or slowed down, and there is even no new real estate development.

However, in this shock event, it brought the conditions to turn the crisis into an opportunity, that is in the two years of the suspension, the real estates stocked in the market was sold out continuously. And it leads to this year's real estate market begins to develop in new ways to meet the needs of the post-pandemic modern world.

We are currently starting to see a better direction, so it is beginning to be prepared to respond to new ways of life and ways of working,working in an era of increasingly modern and convenient technology, with global rapid communication capabilities. In addition, all designers have been "working from home" for almost two years through the practice of air collaboration, which provides an opportunity for our team to develop potential and create new standards for our teams and enhance collaborative processes. Standard operations were raised in a short period of time


We have participated in CREDAWARD in the last year, and our projects have won 2 gold awards. We appreciate the organizing committee to support and bring the best works. The increasing popularity of CREDAWARD has given our team the impetus to create more outstanding results. We sincerely hope that CREDAWARD becomes better and more successful.




Prapan Napawongdee



Prapan Napawongdee 先生是一名景观设计师,也是泰国 Shma Company Limited 的联合创始人。他在泰国朱拉隆功大学获得景观建筑学学士学位。完成学业后,他在新加坡担任景观设计师 7 年,之后与 2 个合伙人成立了 Shma Company Limited。他的景观设计作品领域包括城市弹性景观设计、包容性公共空间、绿色基础设施和社区参与项目。




Prapan Napawongdee



Mr. Prapan Napawongdee is a landscape architect and the co-founder of Shma Company Limited, Thailand. He received a degree in Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. After completing his studies, he worked as a Landscape Architect in Singapore for 7 years before established Shma Company Limited along with 2 partners.

The realms of his landscape design works include topics of urban resilient landscape design, inclusive public space, green infrastructure, and community engagement projects.

Landscape design is now one of the important ways to help shape society physically and culturally. With the world facing natural disasters and climate change. Landscape design has always played a big part in producing green spaces and bringing back nature to the urban area. We believe that the culture, business, social phenomenon and ecology can be mixed perfectly by a good landscape design, helping to create a better earth and restore the lost nature.


We started to participate in CREDAWARD a few years back and continued to submit awards yearly to expose ourselves to many talented people in the real estate industry. The award provides good opportunities for designers to showcase their work and to build their recognition in China.

We also believe that CREDAWARD is a great platform and a channel that contributes to the dissemination of our company's ideas. Besides, CREDAWARD can be a powerful medium to support the works and ideas of various architects.





TROP: terrains+open space


任扶桑女士曾就读于AA School (伦敦建筑联盟学校)景观都市主义专业和重庆大学建筑城规学院景观设计专业,并在英国、泰国及中国具有十多年的从业经验。

任扶桑女士曾先后任职于Aedas、Aspect Studios等国际知名设计公司,在TROP曼谷总部工作3年后,为了给不断增加的中国业务提供更优质的服务和提升设计的在地性,而带领团队创建了TROP上海办公室,并任职总经理。在兼顾公司运营和管理的同时,也依然不断精进自己的设计作品,代表作有融创曲江印、仁恒静安世纪、仁恒海上源、上海侨福芳草地大型商业综合体等。

由于地产下行和疫情原因,今年行业市场受到很大冲击,对所有从业者来说是挑战也是机遇。原来的高速开发和非常内卷的状态可能会随着项目的大量减少和从业者的流逝,渐渐步入欧美成熟设计产业模式。同时这也是我们再次思考景观设计真正诉求的好时机:过度雕塑化和过度精致化是否有必要? 场地到底是人类的场所,还是地球所有生物栖息地?自然的设计手法最后呈现的效果所带来的心理感受到底是杂乱荒凉还是治愈?相信当设计师不再是只是疲于产出的时候,我们的行业会趋于更加理性化和多元化。



Fusang Ren

TROP: terrains+open space

General Manager

Ms. Ren Fusang studied landscape urbanism at Architectural Associate School in London and landscape architecture at Chongqing University, and has practiced landscape design in the UK, Thailand and China for more than ten years.

Ms. Ren Fusang has worked in internationally renowned design companies such as Aedas and Aspect Studios. After working in TROP's Bangkok headquarters for 3 years, in order to provide better design services and improve the locality for the increasing Chinese business, she led the team to establish TROP Shanghai office as General Manager. While taking into account the operation and management of the studio, she is still constantly improving her own design skills with representative works include Sunac In Art Center, Yanlord Jing'an Century, Yanlord Arcadia, Shanghai Parkview Green commercial complex, etc.

Due to the downturn in real estate and the epidemic, the industry has been greatly impacted this year, which is a challenge but also an opportunity for all practitioners. The previous high-speed development and high-pressure competition may gradually reduce and the industry may come more mature model as in Europe and USA with the large reduction of projects and practitioners. Meanwhile, this is also a time for us to think again about the real requirement of landscape design. Is over-artistic and over-delicate necessary? Is the site a place just for architectures or a place for people, or actually a habitat for all living creatures on the earth? Does the nature effect of design method give people a mental feeling of clutter and depression or healing? We believe that when designers are no longer just tired of doing production, our industry will tend to be more rational and diversified.


CREDAWARD is currently one of the most authoritative awards in China. It provides a lot of international perspectives for design in China and helps the entire industry to form a healthy competitive environment. It is one of the preferred award platforms.