
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yjl0518 转载请注明出处
All my life I’ve never liked using the dishwasher. Washing up by hand after cooking for one or after a meal with five others at home is something I much rather do and in fact, do every single day.

Most people around me baulk at my refusal to use the dishwasher. You eat your food in comfort at home, throw the dishes and cutlery in the dishwasher, turn it on, the mess and grime washes away. You don’t need to spend time washing up.
I’ve only used the dishwasher a handful of times in my life. Whenever I did, I felt l there are so many better reasons to wash up by hand.
Here are seven reasons why I don’t use the dishwasher at home.
1. Washing by hand saves time and money

A sink filled with dirty dishes is a lovely moist breeding bacteria ground. Growing up Chinese, I was taught to be a neat-freak like other stereotypical Chinese families. My upbringing included no wearing shoes at home, wrapping the remote control with plastic so as to keep it new and bleaching bathroom tiles once a week.
3. Not everything fits
As mentioned earlier, not everything can or should be fit in the dishwasher. Definitely hard to fit a wok in the dishwasher without compromising room for other crockery if at all a wok can fit. Hot water corrodes non-stick parts of pans and warps wooden chopping boards, and high temperatures can cause knife handles to become unglued.
4. Cleaner dishes by hand
4. 手洗餐具
Sometimes dishes come out of a dishwasher cycle still greasy with stains still intact and white residue all over. This can be because of poor dishwashing cleaning: water temperature too low, wrong type of detergent for your water type, not enough water or your dishwasher is due for a clean. Some suggest to rinse or pre-wash your dishes first before using the dishwasher for a cleaner wash. But that means inevitably you have to wash the dishes by hand.
5. Small spaces
Many apartments are on the small side in Asia. These apartments tend to come with small kitchens and not all small kitchens fit an average-sized dishwasher. You can purchase a micro or portable dishwasher if you want but they aren’t cheap. So with no dishwasher at home in parts of Asia, it becomes habit to wash up by hand right after meals.
When I was based in Singapore, the various apartments I lived in didn’t come with dishwashers. Interestingly enough they came with double bowl sinks – lots of space to wash dishes by hand.
6. Quiet time

In Australia, many workplaces have a kitchen where everyone can prep food and eat throughout the day. All the places I’ve worked (big offices) had a dishwasher in the kitchen.
Not all of us like doing chores and many of us take turns doing chores at home. Traditionally washing the dishes and any chores is seen as a ‘woman’s job’ and men aren’t expected to help around the house (thankfully today this mindset is changing).
Do you use the dishwasher at home?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yjl0518 转载请注明出处
Christy B
I totally get what you’re saying about not using the dishwasher because of how many dishes you’re using daily in the house – You’d likely end up running a dishwasher every day, which would be a lot of energy and water used! Over here it’s just 2 of us so we run the dishwasher 1 time a week.
Mabel Kwong
Using the dishwasher everyday doesn’t seem practical to me in the long run! For you two it sounds like using the dishwasher once a week works out great – and you can have more time to yourselves ?? These photos were so much fun to take. Really enjoyed this afternoon of still photography with garlic and Chinese-household bowls and plates ??
Lisa Dorenfest
I grew up with a dishwasher in my home but haven’t had one since 2000; my apartment in NYC was too small and a boat is no place for a dishwasher. On our boat, The Captain does all the cooking and I do all the washing up and we are both seriously happy with the arrangement.

I have been an avid dishwasher user since living alone for nearly a decade now. I’ve become a creature of convenience.While I agree with many of your reasons, one thing I have noticed with elderly parents who have fading eyesight is that hand washing doesn’t always result in a better outcome in terms of debris left in pots, pans, and casseroles.
I notice this dirty plates problem with my aging parents too. It is a potential health issue.
Unfortunately we use the dishwasher all the time. I agree – it’s a waste of electricity and water. These dishes often smell too if they sit in the dishwasher for more than a day while you save up to run a full load.I wish I could convince my family to wash dishes by hand after each meal.
Mabel Kwong
The smell of dirty dishes is not pleasant at all. Maybe one day you will convince your family to wash the dishes by hand. You could bribe them with a free meal out in exchange for helping you clean in the kitchen
after you have a party or gathering when there’s lots of dishes, having a dishwasher is SO nice. It’s been my experience thought that friends help clean up and take turns washing dishes.I did some quick internet searching because I had this memory in the back of my mind that dishwashers use less water than hand-washing and based on what I can tell, dishwashers are more efficient. BUT! Obviously the dishwasher needs to be full, and newer dishwashers would probably do a better job as well. The main reason why I don’t think Thailand has dishwashers in the home is they don’t have kitchens in many apts, if not the great majority. Older homes don’t even have a stove top,and the we don’t have hot water on tap.
Oluwabukola Pereira
I do agree with you on all that you said in the article, Mabel. I spent almost 18 years of my life in Nigeria so, I did quite a lot of dish washing by hand. Actually, it has become one of my favorite chores. As for the how much water you use, you have just got to learn. For me, it is the same as saving some water when I brush my teeth and shower because if I do not, it means I will have to go fetch some more water. I mean, not all homes have a tap running of water- oftentimes, I have to go across the street or even father to get some water.It is interesting though because most Americans have a different spin on this issue. To me, I feel like most people- teens and young adults in particular- care less about it because the thought is usually, “Worst case scenario will be to pay for it.” Also, it is because they are not the ones who have to pay the water bill anyway. I have been addressed as a conservative for turning off running taps on several occasion. It’s okay, I am glad to be called one in that aspect. Lol.I believe that washing dishes by hand as a good form of physical fitness besides sports. It can help improve your wellness because it keeps you up and moving.

I’m also used to washing the dishes. Living on my own, I *am* the dishwasher. It’s one of the few things I seem to do well.Relating to point 1, I suppose dishwashers really only make sense for large families or groups. It would probably take me more than two weeks to fill a dishwasher on my own.On point 2: it’s probably not a reflection on any particular group or culture, but I often see unwashed mugs and plates in the sink at work. There’s always some people willing to take advantage of others.
Mabel Kwong
Sounds like your parents and brother don’t mind using the dishwasher at all. I guess if they use the dishwasher every Sunday when you visit, they don’t use it all that much. Which means the dishwasher doesn’t get too much of a workout each week and potentially has a longer life.if you wash the dishes every night. It would definitely not make sense to run the dishwasher without filling it up first, same with not filling up the washing machine before running a load.Unwashed items in the sink is a reality in many, many Australian workplaces. It irks me to no end. I guess it’s a reflection of how some of us are at home, and not so much as someone wanting to take advantage of another person to wash the dishes for them.
It has been said that the dishwasher is more economical than washing dishes by hand. I don’t believe that. Being an eczema sufferer I can’t put my hands in the water without gloves so hubby has always done the washing up after dinner.
Mabel Kwong
That is such a good point to bring up – that dishwashing can affect our hands and skin. Even gloves might not always be the solution to stop diswashing liquid and water from getting on to you and triggering eczema. Sounds like you and your hubby have a nice dynamic in the kitchen.

Mabel Kwong
That is great to hear you enjoy doing the dishes, Jill. Sounds like a pleasant time for the two of you at home. The hummingbirds might also find washing the dishes and perhaps want to join in ??
Jill Weatherholt
They’re definitely curious, especially if I’m wearing red. ??
Mabel Kwong
I hope the hummingbirds visit you again when you do the dishes
Jill Weatherholt
They do each day, Mabel…at least until they migrate
Mabel Kwong
Maybe the hummingbirds will come back for a visit one day.