counting in tens/hundreds
number notation, representations and place values (hundreds, tens, ones)
reading and writing numbers in numerals and in words
comparing and ordering numbers
patterns in number sequences
odd and even numbers
addition and subtraction algorithms (up to 3 digits)
solving up to 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction
mental calculation involving addition and subtraction of a 3-digit number and ones/tens/hundreds
multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
use of ÷
relationship between multiplication and division
multiplying and dividing within the multiplication tables
solving 1-step word problems involving multiplication and division within the multiplication tables
mental calculation involving multiplication and division within the multiplication tables of 2,3,4,5 and 10
1. Fraction of a Whole
fraction as part of a whole
notation and representations of fractions
comparing and ordering fractions with denominators of given fractions not exceeding 12
2. Addition and Subtraction
adding and subtracting like fractions within one whole with denominators of given fractions not exceeding 12
counting amount of money in dollars and cents
reading and writing money in decimal notation
comparing two or three amounts of money
converting an amount of money in decimalnotation to cents only, and vice versa
solving word problems involving money in dollars only (or in cents only)
度量 - 长度/质量/体积
1. measuring
length in metres/centimetres
mass in kilograms/grams
volume of liquid in litres
2. measuring and drawing a line segment to the nearest cm
3. using appropriate units of measurement and their abbreviations cm, m, g, kg
4. comparing and ordering lengths /masses /volumes
5. solving word problems involving length /mass /volume
度量 - 时间
telling time to 5 minutes
use of ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’
use of abbreviations h and min
drawing hands on the clock face to show time
duration of 1 hour/half hour
几何 - 2D图形
identifying, naming and describing 2D shapes (semicircle/quarter circle)
identifying the basic shapes that make up agiven figure
forming different 2D figures with rectangle/ square / triangle/semicircle/quarter circle
copying figures on dot grid or square grid
几何 - 3D图形
Identifying, naming, describing and classifying
3D shapes
统计 - 数据呈现和释读
Picture Graphs with Scales
reading and interpreting data from picture graphs with scales
solving 1-step problems using data from picture graphs