

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


What is the biggest culture shock you have ever faced?



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


Janhavi Pednekar Assistant Manager at Reliance Industries Limited (2017-present) upxed Sep 19

I went to China for an internship. Being an Indian I was really excited to see their culture food traditions. I spent two months which have been really beautiful and memorable.



1.Indians are given a lot of attention there. We used to go to different places on weekends and Chinese people used to ask for a photograph together as if we were celebrities. And every photograph was followed by a wide smile and “xie xie” i.e. thank you. Edit: They don't get to see a lot of Indians in China. That might be the major reason for why we get such attention.

1 .在中国印度人受到了很多关注。我们常常在周末去不同的地方,中国人过去常常要求和我们合照,就好像我们是名人一样。每一张照片后面都是一个大大的微笑和一声“谢谢”。P.S:他们在中国看不到很多印度人。这可能是我们获得如此关注的主要原因。

2.They find Indians really beautiful. I know how much Indians admire Chinese Korean and Japanese beauty. Their skin their slim physiques beautiful hair cute face etc. But they at the same time find our features beautiful. I don't remember being called beautiful as a compliment in India all these years. But many Chinese people thought I was beautiful.


3.The original Chinese food is way tastier than what we eat as Chinese food in India. They have very subtle but beautiful flavors. Also they don't waste any part of chicken or any animal. We were served chicken heads and claws. But once they know about your preferences they respect them to the fullest.


4.People don't deck themselves up like crazy in Chinese weddings. Only the bride and the groom are dressed like celebrities. Also the marriage typically happens in a temple where food and other things are prepared. It's a grand meal.


5.People working in international companies have special English names to make it easy for the non Chinese people to pronounce them. Edit: We Indians also had shortened and easier names there so they could pronounce it easily. I was Jan. And my friend Pranali was Lee.


6.Parents encourage their kids to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend after an appropriate age and get married later on. You will see a lot of couples everywhere you go. Most of them are dressed alike and I found it supercute.



Edit: I totally forgot to mention chopsticks. Chinese people don't eat with their hands. They basically don't like to dirty their hands while eating. So you can find them eating a big chicken drumstick or rice with chopsticks. We Indians used to watch them in awe. We tried learning to eat with chopsticks. But we ended up dropping our food all around and then picking up again and eating. But we never gave up on trying. On the last day our HR arranged Indian food especially for us. Rotis butter chicken dal rice etc. We Indians were wondering how would the chinese eat rotis and gravy with chopsticks. But they pleasantly surprised us by eating Indian food with their hands and occasionally licking their fingers too. They loved the food. Especially the daal. We respected their traditions by using chopsticks and they respected ours by using hands.


China gave us a lot of love. They are very different from what we perceive them as. I am planning one more trip soon.


Shifa Mujahid Software Engineer (2017-present) Answered Sep 24

It was when I went to Iran.


I was at a hotel and having breakfast. I poured some tea and the sugar was nowhere to be found. So I asked the waiter for it and was waiting for crushed sugar that I’ve been using my whole life. Instead he came back with small cubes of sugar like these.


So I took one and put it in my cup of tea and started stirring to dissolve it. But unfortunately my tea got cold and the sugar cube was still intact.


And that’s when someone told me that I was supposed to keep the cube in my mouth and just sip my tea over it. I never got used to that and was never given crushed sugar for my tea even when I asked for it explicitly.


I don’t know if this is something that’s specific to Iran but I was shocked when I found out that sugar goes directly in your mouth and not in your tea.


Loved the visit to Iran btw it’s a great place.



Shehryar X. Bhatti Founder & CEO at HANDMADE LOGIX (www.handmadelogix.com) upxed Aug 17

I had heard that London is very expensive. When I landed there after couple of hours I went in a local chicken shop (as they call it it's basically a fried chicken shop) to get something to eat. I gave the order and asked 'how much'? The guy on the counter said "Three forty nine" and I thought "Oh My God London really is expensive man... A chicken burger for three hundred and forty-nine pounds." I said sorry I did not bring the money and went out of the shop to stay hungry rather than spending 350 pounds on a chicken burger.


In Pakistan we do not use hundred most of the times when we are telling the price. For example if the price is 150 I would say one fifty rather than one hundred and fifty.


Later I discussed this with a friend and you can imagine what would have happened.


The burger was 3 pounds and 49p.


Atiqah Zakiah happy belly happy me Answered Sep 23

Having lunch in the Netherlands.


As a Singaporean I recently moved to the Netherlands to further my studies. We had orientation the first week of school and lunch was served. Or more like disappointment was served that day.


I was starving but all we were served were bread some cheese and a glass of milk.


This is what it looks like pretty much and it’s a typical Dutch lunch. Sometimes they have salami or ham in it or hagelslag if they wanted something sweet.


What I was used to was Nasi Padang or Cai Fan for lunch essentially steamed rice with side dishes of your section.


Dutchies think I’m weird eating hot food 3 meals a day they say I have dinner for all my meals. Well I think they have breakfast twice a day.



Innocent Masengo Research Associate upxed Wed · Featured on HuffPost

Location: Germany


Shock: Men eating ice cream.


This may seem petty to most people though. Born and brought up in Africa I grew up in a predominantly patriarchal society where most of those small sweet things are considered feminine the same way the world treats colors. In most of Africa ( I am from Uganda) men do not eat lollipops candy ice cream or cake. These things are for children and girls/women.


When I went to stay in Germany in 2016 I became friends with Judy a German lady from the graduate school I was attending. She made sure I felt at home showed me around and introduced me to German ‘things’. It was summer (September) so we would ride our bikes to the beach (this was Kiel the sailing city). One of my biggest shocks was seeing old men munching on ice cream cones.


In my home country it is common to see a man and a woman at an ice cream parlor with the woman eating ice cream while the man is just sitting there waiting for her to finish. If they offer other snacks or drinks the man will opt for a coke or tea. He will not touch the ice cream. The woman does not expect him to touch it either. In fact you can lose your girlfriend if you are seen eating those little sweet things. You are a sissy. You are immature.


Back to Germany. One Saturday afternoon Judy picked me up so that we could go for our usual ride. As we rode she suddenly stopped at a corner ice cream shop. I stopped too as she was always the one leading the way. There were several mostly older couples eating ice cream. I tried not to make eye contact. I felt embarrassed seeing men eating ice cream. Judy ordered two cones. It happened so fast. She was ever so fast in whatever she did (like all Germans). Even while riding I had to fight hard to keep up with her pace.


Judy handed me one of the cones. There I was holding ice cream that I did not know what to do with. I looked right then left. Men were munching. Nobody cared. Judy was busy eating hers. I started licking on mine after a couple of minutes as it had started melting. I felt my masculinity leaving my body. With every lick I glanced left and right. I prayed that no African would chance to pass by during that ‘torture’. Good enough — Kiel being far north has few Africans. After what seemed like an eternity I finished the ice cream. Judy was impatiently looking at her watch for she had finished hers about 10 minutes earlier.


That day was in a way a liberating experience. We ate several other ‘ice creams’ before winter set in. And I have managed to eat several ‘ice creams’ with my wife and two kids back home without so much discomfort. Of course I get the stares from passersby. And they do bother me a little but not as much as they would have before the German experience.



Ben Kolber Former soldier now I cook study physics amateur coder. Answered Nov 15

This shit.


Living in the U.S for more than a year now after spending 22 years in Israel and I still can’t wrap my mind around “twerking”.


I see it in clubs at college parties and even on spring break.


Shaking your ass is not a dance it is not sexy and I cannot understand how a woman expects to be taken seriously after she gets up on stage and shakes her ass like a sex obxt in front of thousands of strangers who even film the atrocity.


Please don’t lecture me about feminists and “we can do whatever we want women power!” I live in NYC I heard that enough. If you believe you can do anything you want in this world and choose to “twerk” in public events I suggest you stop doing whatever you want.


Yash Mehta Business Consultancy at Google (2004-present) upxed Nov 13

*Eating up the banana leaf*


My friend from MIT was going to Tamil Nadu with me. He was a complete American and didn’t know ‘Indian stuff’.


We went to one of the local restaurants and ordered a full set of meal.


In Tamil Nadu food is served on a banana leaf. So when we went there he was perplexed but didn’t ask me a question.


When we had finished our meals I told him to stay here and take care of our belongings while I go to the washroom and then we swap.


While I was not there he started chewing the whole banana leaf.






P.S. He never came to INDIA after that

P.S. 他之后再也没来过印度。