
2018-01-27 王立平 商务微新闻





China’s Market Awaits Indonesian Export Promotion

WANG Liping

Economic and Commercial Minister Counselor

Chinese Embassy in Indonesia


To improve the quality of China’s new round of opening up and share its development opportunities with the whole world, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced solemnly at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation last year that China will hold China International Import Expo (CIIE) starting from 2018.


The first CIIE will be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 8 this year, exhibiting intelligent and high-end equipment, clothing and consumer goods, foodstuff and agricultural products, creative designs, tourist services as well as other products and services. China will also set up a “one-stop” transaction platform with both online and offline functions to provide exhibition and transaction services online after the Expo comes to an end, presenting an on-going exposition all year round.


“Alone we can do so little.” To present a high-level Expo, China has sent invitation letters to more than 200 trading partners around the world. So far, businesses from the US, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Thailand, etc. have already signed up for the Expo. Ambassadors to China as well as delegations of government and trade associations from Russia, France, ROK, Israel, etc. have already conducted on-site inspections. Businesses from all over China will also attend the Expo to procure goods and services. It is estimated that more than 150,000 domestic and foreign purchasers will participate in the Expo.


In 2017, China’s total import volume amounted to USD 1.8 trillion. In the next five years, China is expecting to import more than USD 10 trillion of goods and services. It is now Indonesia’s biggest trading partner and export destination. According to its statistics, Indonesia’s exports to China amounted to USD 25.6 billion from January to November 2017, growing by 37.1% year on year, the highest growth rate among China’s main import sources in ASEAN. The trade gap between our two countries has been narrowed greatly, thanks to the common efforts of governments and businesses on both sides. Apart from commodities like coal, palm oil and rubber, Indonesia’s exports of some special consumer goods to China were also impressive. The export volume of bird’s nests, coconuts and coffee reached 87 million, 70 million and 43 million US dollars respectively, up by 175%, 50% and 225% year-on-year respectively. As Chinese people get better-off, Indonesia’s specialties like woodcarvings, gems and prawn crackers will surely become more popular in China.


Despite all these facts, however, Indonesia still lags behind some ASEAN countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore in its exports to China. Its exports of manufactured goods to China accounts for a relatively small share of China’s total imports of the goods, with potentials to be further tapped in the future. From January to November 2017, Malaysia’s and Vietnam’s exports of electrical machines and electrical products to China alone reached USD 28.1 billion and USD 18.6 billion respectively, which was higher than or close to Indonesia’s total exports to China. Apart from commodities like coal and palm oil, which are already popular in China, most of Indonesia’s products deserve a much greater popularity. Take coffee as an example, Indonesia is one of the four largest coffee producers in the world, and its civet cat coffee is world-renowned. However, on the largest cross-border e-commerce retail website in China, among the ten companies with the highest monthly sales in coffee, four ASEAN companies come from Malaysia and Vietnam and none is from Indonesia.


In today’s world of information explosion and economic globalization, the mentality of “good wine needs no bush” is not relevant anymore. It takes presentation and promotion to be a winner in the eyeball economy. CIIE is a historic opportunity for countries like Indonesia to expand exports to China. We do hope the Indonesian government and businesses will seize it and promote your distinctive, quality goods and services. We will be more than happy to see Indonesia expand its exports to China and partake in the feast of this huge market.


We will be expecting you in Shanghai, China.




Export value of some ASEAN countries to China,Jan-Nov 2017


Export Value

(billion dollars)


Source:China Customs
