
The beauty of Song Dynasty ceramics

文/图 《一带一路报道》记者 向雯


Stepping into Sichuan Song Dynasty Ceramics Museum in Suining, Sichuan, for the first time, I felt as if I had entered the time and space of the Song Dynasty. The relics with profound cultural meaning reflect the life aesthetics of literati living in the Song Dynasty. Through tea ware, drinking vessel, vase, incense burner, and calligraphy tool, the four life arts of ancient Chinese in the Song Dynasty, including flower arrangement, incense burning, tea whisking and painting appreciation, are presented.



Simplicity of Song Dynasty aesthetics


Simplicity is the mainstream aesthetic orientation in the Song Dynasty. “Unlike those in the glorious age of Tang Dynasty, people in the Song Dynasty had no longer focused on wars but love, not physical quest but spiritual one... People placed spiritual satisfaction at the first place. People wanted to forsake the world, but not conquer it. It was not someone or someone’s personality, nor was it someone’s activity or career, but the mood of the person that became the theme of art and aesthetics,” written in Li Zehou’s book—The Path of Beauty.


The Song Dynasty is regarded as the “golden age” of Chinese traditional culture and aesthetics. From poetry and painting, household wares and tools to garden architecture, people in the Song Dynasty abandoned the luxury style featuring shiny gold and silver elements prevalent since the Han and Tang dynasties. Instead, they pursued the beauty of simplicity and created elegant arts. Some western scholars hailed the Song Dynasty as “the great period of Chinese painting and ceramics”. Among the ancient ceramic sites discovered by modern archaeologists, the Song Dynasty kiln sites account for more than half of them. No matter in the category, style or kiln technology, Song Dynasty ceramics all occupy a very important position.


Mark, a Belgian collector, once analyzed Song Dynasty ceramics by using western art theories, saying that its shape beauty is reflected in its lines, which absorb the essence of Chinese painting and present the beauty of symmetry. The design is simple as few decorations are used but only glaze used to color the object, which is similar to western minimalism.



The collection exhibited in the museum are ceramic masterpieces in the Southern Song Dynasty. The celadon glaze jar with lotus leaf shaped lid is placed at the most prominent position in the exhibition hall. Against the backdrop of a painting with lotus flowers and leaves, it seems as if the lotus leaf shaped lid on the rounded jar would wave in the breeze...


How to appreciate this collection, which is hailed as “one of the three national ceramic treasures” . He Yingzhong, Director of Suining Cultural Relics Bureau and Curator of Sichuan Song Dynasty Ceramics Museum, said: “First, to appreciate the shape. This is the largest piece of celadon produced in Longquan kiln in the Southern Song Dynasty till now. Second, to appreciate the color. Ancient Chinese people revered jade. This piece of celadon has an eggshell-like body with thick color after several glazing procedures. The jade-like plum green color thus enables it to rival the jade in beauty. Third, to appreciate aesthetics. The jar body is smooth without decorative motifs. This simple design also reflects the aesthetics at that time when simplicity prevailed.”


Ceramics with celadon glaze were the representative works of Longquan Kiln (located in Longquan county, Zhejiang)in the Song Dynasty, and those with plum green color were crowning achievements at that time. The celadons with plum green color were fired in the Southern Song Dynasty only, and few are preserved till today. And the celadon glaze jar with lotus leaf shaped lid is one of the most representative treasures.


“As green as emerald, as gentle as spring water” is the best description of celadons in Longquan Kiln. The remaining 984 pieces of ceramics unearthed also reflect similar aesthetics. Whether they are Longquan celadons and Jingdezhen bluish white porcelains, which account for the largest proportion of the collections in the museum, or the handful of ceramics from Ding kiln in Hebei Province, Yaozhou kiln in Shaanxi Province, or even the Cifeng kiln and Qingxi kiln in southwest China, all offer a glimpse into the golden age in the history of Chinese ceramics more than 750 years ago.



Exploring the treasure site


The relics unearthed in September 1991 in Jinyu Village, Nanqiang Town, Suining City, contained 18 pieces of bronze ware and 2 pieces of stone ware in addition to a number of ceramics, totaling 1,005 pieces. The discovery caused a great sensation in China with the large quantity and high quality of relics.


Suining, located in the heart of the central Sichuan basin, is not famous for its ceramic production. So, why were national treasure ceramic and pottery unearthed here? And who owned the hoard? A series of questions triggered the speculation in the academia, and experts and scholars have also done a lot of research to trace to the source. “At present, there are four theories about the owner of the hoard, that is, nobles, local officials, rich businessmen, and academies, respectively,” He Yingzhong said, adding “all four theories are reasonable due to the lack of conclusive written records.”



Sichuan Basin was like a cornucopia in the Song Dynasty. At that time, commodity economy has continued the prosperity since the Tang Dynasty. The representative goods--silk and tea are the main commodities traded between Sichuan and other regions. And products with local features from outside world includes spices that were introduced through overseas trade also flooded into Sichuan through trading. For example, during the Two Song Dynasties, areas centered on Chengdu Plain were the largest consumption market for luxury imported goods, such as spices, besides the capital and the southeast coastal area.


And Suining City, where many ceramics were unearthed in its Jinyu Village, has been the administrative center of Sui State since the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. During the Two Song Dynasties, Suining’s agriculture, silk and salt industries developed rapidly. In particular, Chupu silk produced in Sui State at that time enjoyed equal popularity as the Shu Tapestry. In addition, the Fujiang River basin where Suining is located enjoyed convenient transportation in the Southern Song Dynasty. Sichuan’s silk goods were shipped and sold to other regions and local commodities in these areas, including Jingdezhen porcelains and Longquan ceramics produced in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, were then transported to Sichuan.


However, with the rise of the Mongolia Empire in the northern prairie, the 52-year Song-Mongol war began in 1227. Sichuan, with its booming economy and trade, became the main region the two sides battled for. Data show that there are dozens of Song Dynasty relic sites found in areas within ancient Sichuan, many of which date from the Late Southern Song Dynasty. And the ceramics unearthed from Jinyu Village have the largest quantity and the best quality, which is rare in Sichuan and even in China.



Of these, a piece of bronze ware inscribed with words “Fengxianglou Qianxin” has sparked the interest of experts. “Qianxin” means “old-style bank”, and “Fengxianglou” may be the bank name. According to the estimation of experts, the celadons unearthed here might not be destined for Suining. Experts estimated that merchants intended to transport the goods from Longquan to Suining together with Sichuan’s silk, tea and medicinal materials and then to South Asia through Southern Silk Road. However, due to the war between Song-Mongol war in the late Southern Song Dynasty, they had to bury their celadons here.

回忆起当初发掘时的情形,何瀛中谈道,从这批精美的瓷器被匆匆掩埋可以看出当时战争的残酷。“在清理文物中,我们还有意外发现。青釉荷叶形盖罐内居然整齐叠放着99件形制相同的青白瓷菊花口小碟,而根据罐内的空间还可以放更多。” 何瀛中解释,“九”在中国传统文化中有长久之意,专家猜测所谓“九九归一”,可能也寄托着窖藏主人对家国安宁,平安顺遂的美好寓意。

Recalling the moment when the relics were unearthed, He Yingzhong said the hasty burial of the delicate pieces can show us the cruelty of the war at that time. “When sorting out these relics, we found something by chance. Inside the celadon glaze jar with lotus leaf shaped lid, there are 99 pieces of same chrysanthemum-mouth bluish white porcelain saucers placed in order. According to the space in the jar, more can be put in,” said He Yingzhong. He explained that the number “nine” in traditional Chinese culture has the meaning of “long lasting”. Experts guessed that the “double nine” may also conveys the wish of the owner for peace and good life.


As time goes by, the celadons buried for hundreds of years bears witness to the glory and history of Suining. Their origin remains unknown, but we know how to treat them in the future. With the celadon relics were unearthed, in 2006, Suining Museum was officially renamed Sichuan Song Dynasty Ceramics Museum with the approval of Sichuan Cultural Relics Administration Bureau. It is also the only thematic Song Dynasty ceramics museum in China.



A bridge for mutual learning among civilizations


The celadon glaze jar with lotus leaf shaped lid, the bronze oven with dragon-shape ears, the prunus vase with green-white glaze, toad-shape water pot with three legs, etc., placed in the box in the museum, send out green luster under the light and wait for someone to appreciate their beauty.


These ceramics are different from Tang tri-color glazed ceramics with bright color, and classic and elegant blue and white porcelains, and the coloring skill also cannot match that in the Ming and Qing dynasties which is mature. The beauty of Song Dynasty ceramics lies in their simplicity and purity, and in the connotation and culture behind them. “Celadons have the lingering charm. At first glance, you may think it is ordinary, but as time passes, you began to appreciate its beauty.” Speaking of his understanding about Song Dynasty celadons, He Yingzhong said celadon also reflects China’s pursuit of Confucian culture and is the epitome of Chinese culture.


The English word “China” means the name of country but means porcelain when writing first C as c. Although porcelain was born in China, it made its way to the world through the ancient Silk Road and became popular among the royal families in other countries. At the earliest time, the Longquan Kiln celadons were shipped to the west and became an instant hit because their cyan color was fresh to Europeans. And very coincidentally, there was an opera was staged on a French dock, where merchant ships were berthing. The hero of the opera, Celadon, wore a piece of green long gown, and the color of the gown was close to the color of ceramics in Longquan kiln. So, westerners just called the ceramics produced here “celadon”.


Ceramics, once commodities on the ancient Silk Road, now serve as “emissaries” on the Belt and Road. Since it was established up to now, Sichuan Song Dynasty Ceramics Museum, apart from holding special exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hong Kong and Macao, has also carried out cultural exchanges with foreign countries. Song Dynasty ceramics as a “cultural envoy” have been exhibited in Japan, Singapore and other countries for cultural exchange.


During a 10-month itinerant exhibition in Japan, He Yingzhong said he was impressed when seeing Japanese love celadon more than we ever imagined. The exhibition received an average of 2,200 visitors every day, with each visitor spending an hour and a half in the hall. During the exhibition period, Asahi Shinbum reported many times on Song Dynasty ceramics on display, and gave lectures in conjunction with the exhibition every week. The hall was packed for every lecture. Senior experts and scholars in Japanese ancient ceramic academic circle, such as Tadanori Yuba and Tatsuya Mori, came to lecture visitors.



Unlike Japanese who love Song Dynasty ceramics so much, Chinese people have ever showed little interest in these ceramics. He Yingzhong gave an example, saying that when the exhibition in Japan ended, the museum held an exhibition to report their experience in Japan. 5,000 tickets were given out, but fewer than 200 people turned up. He also admitted that it will take some time. Today, as the material life of Chinese people becomes more and more rich, we believe that more and more people will be able and willing to appreciate the beauty of Song Dynasty porcelains.


In fact, in recent years, the number of visitors to Sichuan Song Dynasty Ceramic Museum in Suining has been increasing, and some visitors even come from places hundreds of miles away. During the seven-day National Day holiday in 2019, Sichuan Song Dynasty Ceramics Museum received 30,000 visitors. “Ceramic museums have never been the most popular tourist destination. We have been holding activities to promote the Song Dynasty ceramic culture, opening mobile museums, launching campaign— “Exploring Ceramics in Suining” and carrying out research trips, etc.,” He Yingzhong said.


Now, as the new Sichuan Song Dynasty Ceramics Museum was opened in Suining Culture Center, He Yingzhong said he hoped that in the future, in addition to carrying forward the culture of Song Dynasty ceramics, the museum can introduce more foreign ceramic exhibitions, especially on cultural relics from the Belt and Road countries, so as to build a bridge for more cultural exchanges and mutual learning through the medium of Song Dynasty ceramics.










