
(2018年11月28日,/HRoot.com/)根据罗致恒富(Robert Half)的最新研究,大多数新加坡IT企业在招聘时,都会优先考虑员工经验。



罗致恒富新加坡董事总经理Matthieu Imbert-Bouchard表示:“IT企业的期望值很高。他们寻找的员工不仅要具备所有的技术要求,而且要紧跟行业的最新发展,拥有一流的软技能,并能很好地融入组织文化。然而,由于新加坡的科技行业正面临持续的技能短缺,这些预期往往得不到满足,这也是我们通常建议招聘经理在招聘时设定优先级的原因。”





(Nov.28, 2018, /staffingindustry.com/) Most of Singapore’s IT employers actively prioritise experience when hiring, according to new research from Robert Half.

The research found that more than two-thirds of IT employers, or 67%, cite experience as the most important consideration for new hires, followed by 60% who say technical skills are the most influential factor during the decision-making process. About a third, or 29% refer to potential, this was followed by cultural fit (23%), and lastly soft skills (21%).

However, Robert Half also found that 80% of Chief Information Officers in Singapore admit they have successfully hired someone who was the right cultural and personality fit but overall lacked some of the technical requirements for the role.

Matthieu Imbert-Bouchard, Managing Director of Robert Half Singapore commented, “Expectations from IT employers are high. They are looking for employees who do not only possess all the technical requirements, but who are also abreast of the latest industry developments, have stellar soft skills as well as fit in well with the organisational culture. However, as Singapore’s technology sector is being confronted with an ongoing skills shortage, it is very common these expectations are not met which is why we generally advise hiring managers to set priorities when recruiting.”

“Personal attributes – or the so called ‘soft skills’ – of a candidate should not be overlooked when hiring,” Imbert-Bouchard said. “By only prioritising technical skills and experience, IT employers are not only potentially missing out on top talent who fit in well with the company and team, but are also inadvertently prolonging the crippling skills shortage faced by Singapore’s IT sector.”

Meanwhile, internal training (34%) is cited as the main contributor to turning hires that lack the technical knowledge, but show potential, into successful recruits. This is closely followed by on-the-job experience (28%), external training (18%), extensive mentoring programs (10%) and providing sufficient leadership and guidance (10%).

“IT employers need to keep in mind that a lack of certain non-critical technical skills can easily be remedied through professional development and further training on the job,” Imbert-Bouchard said.
