
South Korea's Hanwha Total Petrochemical declares force majeure on styrene monomer supply from Daesan unit


Singapore — South Korea's Hanwha Total Petrochemical on Thursday declared force majeure on styrene monomer supply from its 650,000 mt/year No. 2 unit in Daesan, due to an ongoing labour strike, sources with knowledge of the matter said Thursday.

新加坡-据知情人士周四称,韩国韩华石油化工公司(Hanwha Total Petrochemical)周四宣布,由于工人罢工,大山65万吨/年2号装置苯乙烯装置遭受不可抗力。

The Daesan plant operates two SM units with a nameplate capacity of 400,000 mt/year and 650,000 mt/year, respectively.

大山工厂运行两台SM装置,额定容量分别为400000 Mt/年和650000 Mt/年。

The units were shut for scheduled maintenance on March 22, S&P Global Platts reported previously.

标普环球平台(S&P Global Platts)此前报道称,该公司3月22日因定期维护而关闭。

The original start-up date for the smaller No. 1 unit had been April 25, but was delayed to May 6, and is currently running at a low operating rate, sources said.


The No. 2 unit was scheduled to resume operations on May 8, but sources said the restart date is unclear amid the strike.
