

The mosques are some of the most beautiful buildings in the world because, along with faith, they always exude a unique charm. With the spread of Islam, the architectural style of mosques blended with local customs, giving birth to many buildings surprising in human creativity.

为了迎合新加坡东北部一个稠密的穆斯林教徒聚集地,Formwerkz Architects借鉴了传统的伊斯兰设计,创建了这座充满错综复杂图案的清真寺Al-Islah Mosque。清真寺被分为三部分,分别是礼堂,伊斯兰教育中心和行政大楼,以使该建筑在建筑面积内具有更大的国内规模。这座3,700平方米的清真寺可一次容纳多达4,500名信徒。

To cater to a dense Cluster of Muslims in Singapore's North-East, Formwerkz Architects borrowed from traditional Islamic design to create the complex of Al-Islah Mosque. Themosque is divided into three parts, namely the auditorium, the Islamic Education Center and the administrative building, in order to give the building a larger national scale in the gross area. The 3,700-square-metre mosque can accommodate up to 4,500 worshippers at a time.


The mosque aspiresto be a model of openness, reflecting the aspirations of contemporary Islam in Singapore. The architects of Formwerkz presented many challenges considering the compact site and adjacent apartments. These blocks are connected by aseries of elevated and landscape-level terraces open to the public. Physical porosity allows for visual contact with the neighborhood and extends its spatial field beyond its boundaries, but brings with it the sacredness and threshold of the mosque.

Formwerkz为这座神圣的Al-Islah清真寺打造了一些独有的特色,格子的屏风形成墙壁和祈祷大厅上方的圆顶,以增强开放感,同时还为内部空间提供通风和自然采光。钢筋混凝土结构覆盖有沙色质感涂料。穹顶,拱形门口和细长的尖塔等元素均采用深灰色的油漆。建筑师Alan Tay解释说:“基本的蔓藤花纹图案和拱门受到传统伊斯兰形式的影响。拱门的设计允许在祈祷大厅和主入口门厅的悬臂上有更大的跨度。”

Formwerkz createdsome unique features for the sacred Al-Islah mosque, with latticed screens forming a dome above the walls and prayer hall to enhance the sense ofopenness, while also providing ventilation and natural light to the interiorSpaces. Reinforced concrete structures are covered with sand-colored paint. The domes, arched doorways and slender spires are all painted in dark grey. "The basic vines and arches are influenced by traditional Islamic forms," explained architect Alan Tay. The design of the arch allows for greater span over the cantilever of the prayer hall and main entrance hall.


Without boundary walls and minimal walls, all sides of the chapel are visually and physically accessible, blurring the distinction between the mosque house and the street. The two sides of the prayer hall are open, allowing the congregation to enter adjacent Spaces during the peak of the service. These areas are sheltered by alarge overhanging canopy. At peak times, with the exception of bathrooms,management Spaces and service rooms, most of the floor space is devoted toprayer. Corridors, classrooms, roof terraces and even basement parking can beused as prayer Spaces.


Overall, the architecture of the minaret exudes a solemn and subliminal air while embracing the spirit of community.


建筑公司:Formwerkz Architects

Architects: Formwerkz Architects


Location: Singapore


Material: Reinforced Concrete


Typology: Religious Architecture


Project Year: 2015





摄影:Albert Lim、Fabian Ong

Photography:Albert Lim, Fabian Ong