

Today is the first anniversary of Professor Rudd joining the Singapore campus of James Cook University. Within just one year, he has delivered some of the proudest achievements of the Singapore Campus since its establishment 17 years ago. The achievements undoubtedly prove that Professor Rudd, with his excellent strategic thoughts and experience in international education, has led the Singapore Campus into a new development period. Here, let us look back at this successful year together.


Student satisfaction rate increased

新加坡校区自建校以来,一直坚持履行“学生优先”的原则。在今年肺炎疫情期间,校长随时根据疫情发展情况以及新加坡政府的相关规定,及时对受影响的同学做出返校及考试的调整,以保障大家的人身安全。2019年,正是在校长的领导下,大学学生事务部和学习支持部完成改组,改组后的两个部门可以更全方位地照顾到学生的校园和学习生活,最终将大学学生满意度总体提高至93%,并在各个满意度单项调查中获得全面提升:校外宿舍满意率85%;体检和签证办理满意率99%;学生出勤率全面提高,全勤学生的提高比例14% ;考试通过率91%;升学满意率95%。

The Singapore campus has been adhering to the principle of "students first" since its establishment. During the outbreak of pneumonia this year, Professor Rudd made timely adjustments to the affected students according to the development of the epidemic and relevant regulations of Singapore government, so as to ensure the safety of all students. In 2019, under the leadership of Professor Rudd, Student Affairs department and Learning Support department initiated and completed their strategic reorganization. This reorganization enabled these departments to more comprehensively enhance our students' campus life.This eventually led to student satisfaction rising to 93% in all the criteria contained in the single evaluation index comprising: 85% in off-campus dormitory satisfaction rate; 99% satisfaction rate in physical examination and visa application; all-round improvement of student attendance rate leading to the 14% increase to 100% attendance; 91% exam pass rate, and 95% admission satisfaction rate.


Increase in Employee Satisfaction Rate

校长强调,顺畅合理的沟通机制才能齐聚人心、共谋发展。为了倾听教职员工们内心真实的声音,大学人事部在校长的建议下邀请第三方机构对员工满意度进行调查。调查结果让人欣喜,我们的员工既清晰地了解大学的发展方向 (95%) 和战略意图 (90%),也清楚团队合作的重要性 (92%) 以及自身工作对大学的贡献 (92%)。同时,我们员工对大学发展方向的了解程度、设施满意度、教学支持满意度和变化创新满意度均比同行业高出18%-25%。

Professor Rudd stressed that the best way to bring people together in an organization for common development and progress is to have a smooth and reasonable communication system. In order to listen to the real voice of the staff, the Human Resources department invited a third party to conduct the survey on employee satisfaction, atas advised by Professor Rudd. The results are encouraging, as our employees have a clear understanding of organization direction (95%) and strategic intent (90%), as well as the importance of teamwork (92%) and the contribution of their work to the University (92%). The understanding of organization direction, facility satisfaction, teaching support satisfaction, change and innovation satisfaction also the industry norms by 18%-25%.


The reason for this success is that Professor Rudd and the University care for the staff. To protect our staff as much as possible from pneumonia, he advised sick or elderly staff to work from home. In response to the development of the epidemic in Singapore, university has taken timely measures to adjust the work distribution of employees, to ensure the health of employees and the normal operation of University.新生入学量增长

Increase In the Number of New Students


Professor Rudd attaches great importance to the development of the China market. He travelled to different regions in China to listen to the advice of our partners. We, China Marketing Team, regard Professor Rudd as our solid backbone.




With his strong support, the China Marketing Team was awarded “Team of the Year” for two consecutive years. At the Annual Partnership Conference held in January, the China partners secured 7 out of 10 “Top 10 University Partners” awards. Our actual enrollment exceeded the target, expanding to 38%; the annual student visa approval rate remained at 99% and reached 100% in November 2019; the second ELPP test passed rate was 96%; the success rate of scholarship application reached 27%.


With regard to the novel coronavirus pneumoni, Professor Rudd hopes that our students and partners can get through this special time smoothly. He is not worried about the future development of China. He just hopes everyone can recover from the epidemic as soon as possible.




Rebranding of Student Services Department


With the growing expansion in the number of university students, Professor Rudd advised that the Student Services department undergo rebranding. At the end of 2019, the restructured Student Services department was renamed the Student Affairs department, carrying out these four functions: the establishment of student ambassadors (to meet the more thoughtful upgrading requirements for student management), strict management of attendance, guidance and advisory services for student employment, and campus community activities. The Student Affairs department, as the first contact for students on campus, will be fully responsible for the tracking of every student from campus study and life to graduation and employment, so that every student in the university can have a strong sense of belonging. During the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the Student Affairs and Facilities departments worked together and became the forefront of prevention and control, resolutely following Professor Rudd's guidance to fully ensure the safety and health of all students and staff.


Average salary of graduates increases

2019年,我们大学选用同为新加坡政府院校服务的咨询公司Beacon Consulting进行对于毕业生就业情况的调查和分析。结果显示,我们的毕业生平均薪资为$3,018,远高于同类非政府院校的S$2,650(新加坡政府就业调查报告)。2019年,校长提出大学需要从雇用我们毕业生的雇主中寻求反馈意见,这样大学方面可以更好的帮助学生提前做好就业准备,并且将工作技能融入到日常学习中。因此,在2019年第三季度的就业调查中,对雇用我们大学毕业生的新加坡雇主进行了问卷调查,结果显示,我们的毕业生在18项评估指标中,17项优于同类非政府院校,并与新加坡政府大学毕业生能力不分伯仲。

In 2019, Beacon Consulting, a consulting firm that also serves Singapore's government institutions, was selected by our university to conduct graduate employment surveys and data analysis. According to the survey results, the average salary of our graduates is $3,018, much higher than the $2,650 of similar non-government institutions (Singapore Government Graduate Survey Report). In 2019, Professor Rudd suggested that we also need to seek feedback from employers who hire our graduates, so that University can better help graduating students prepare for employment and integrate this into daily learning. As a result, in our employment survey for the third quarter of 2019, we surveyed Singaporean employers of university graduates and found that our graduates outperformed their non-government counterparts in 17 out of 18 assessment indicators and were on par with government university graduates.


Profound Impact of Aquaculture Laboratory


In order to bring the University’s world leading Marine and Freshwater Biology to Singapore and benefit students on the Singapore Campus, Professor Rudd actively promoted the opening of the Aquaculture Laboratory at the Singapore Campus. In July 2019, it was unveiled by Professor Rudd and officially put into operation through the audit of AVS, SLA, BCA, FSSD and CPE. The Laboratory injects diversity into Singapore Campus, and the Singapore Campus has seen its highest revenue in 17 years.


Now, our Laboratory is working with institutions such as Aquaculture Innovation Centre and National University of Singapore to help Singapore implement its food security strategy and create new technologies and knowledge. It has been proven that under the leadership of Professor Rudd, the University is deeply involved in major international and regional scientific projects, as well as in international or regional regulatory issues.


Cooperation with China Higher Education

过去数十年间, 校长在亚洲推动国际教育交流,拥有非常丰富经验和资源。在他的领导下,我们与多所知名高等学府签署了战略合作协议,着力推动国际教育与交流在中国高质量的发展。安排双优资源,即优质师资和优质学术科研,与世界高水平大学和学术机构进行深度交流与科研合作,尤其是统筹推进大学在世界一流大学和一流学科的建设步伐,进一步提升中国学生在新加坡校区的留学价值和丰富的学习和生活体验感。

Professor Rudd has rich experience and resources because he has promoted international education exchanges in Asia over the past decades. Under his leadership, Singapore Campus signed strategic collaboration agreements with a number of well-known universities, focusing on promoting the high-quality development of international education and exchanges in China, marshaling highly qualified teaching staff and scientific researches to conduct in-depth exchanges and cooperation with world-class universities and academic institutions, promoting the construction of first-class universities and disciplines in a coordinated way, and therefore further enhancing the value of Chinese students studying in Singapore Campus and strengthening the satisfaction of learning and life experience in Singapore Campus.






Establishment of Advisory Board


It is well-known that James Cook University is a public institution of higher learning in Australia, whose long-term development in Singapore requires intellectual support from local people. Professor Rudd invited advisers from the Singapore government, enterprises, academic institutions, technical communities and other professionals to establish the Advisory Board to lead the development of James Cook University in Singapore. While expanding our thinking, we also realize the development concept of adapting measures to local conditions. We have every reason to believe that this is why Singapore Campus is popular with both local and Asian students, and is an outstanding aspect of the success of Singapore Campus.


Establishment of Staff Sports Team

校长热爱运动,热心公益。为了鼓励员工强身健体,他号召组建了一支员工体育小组,在节假日数次举行环岛骑行、划龙舟等活动。在詹姆斯库克大学的倡导下,第 70 届联合国大会通过决议,每年6月29日定为国际热带日。在2019年的国际热带日中,校长带领教职员工在校园内栽下树苗,不仅为校园增添绿意,也与“十年树木,百年树人”的理念相吻合。

Professor Rudd is passionate about sports and public welfare. To encourage employees to strengthen physical fitness, he called for the establishment of a staff sports team. He also encouraged the organization of various activities during holidays such as cycling and dragon-boat races. On International Tropical Day, Professor Rudd led the staff to plant saplings on campus, which not only adds green to the campus but is also consistent with the Chinese concept of “Shi Nian Shu Mu, Bai Nian Shu Ren”, meaning a good education program takes a long time to develop.


The educator, Tao Xingzhi, once said, "The principal is the soul of a school. To comment on a school, one must first comment on its principal." It can be seen that a good school must not only have a beautiful campus and modern teaching facilities, but also needs a principal with educational thoughts and leadership. In 2019, our principal Professor Rudd has brought James Cook University into a new chapter. We firmly believe that under his leadership, our university will continue to reach greater heights.