
4001 袁大头英文签字版



On the front of the collection is the head portrait of Yuan Shikai, engraved with the words "three years of the Republic of China". The back is decorated with Jiahe pattern and "one yuan". The coating is smooth and natural, the edges and teeth are regular, the money type is regular, and the product is in good condition. Although it has experienced a long time, the lines are still clear and visible, and its rust has witnessed the accumulation of its history. It has very obvious characteristics of historical changes and has an ineffable value. This is the first coin with English signature as sample in history. It is extremely rare and has high collection value and economic value.

4003 癸卯江南省造光绪元宝七钱二分



Jiangnan Province made the Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping seven cents and two cents. It was started by the Nanjing Mint in the 23rd year of Guangxu (1897). It was issued for 9 years to 31st year of Guangxu (1905). It is called "Old Jiangnan" for the years, and the rest of the years are: Wuxu, Yihai, Gengzi, Xinchu, Renyin, Kwaimao, Jiachen, Yisi.

4017 段祺瑞像和平执政纪念币



Duan Qirui, born in Hefei, Anhui Province, was one of the leaders of the Northern Warlords in the early years of the Republic of China. He successively held many important positions in the Beiyang government. From the general office of Baoding military academy, the sixth town of Beiyang (equivalent to Division), chief of general staff, chief of the army and other posts, he finally became the premier of the government and the leader of "ruling" (equivalent to the president). After he ascended the throne of "ruling", the Tianjin Mint made Duan Qirui peace ruling commemorative coin to show his merits and virtues.

4096 唐继尧像拥护共和纪念三钱六分



On the obverse of the coin model, the central Tang Dynasty is surrounded by a seven point face. Outside the bead circle, there is "Tang Fu, commander of the military academy", and two Jiahe coins are tied together. On the back, the central Pentagram crosses the iron blood 18 star flag and the five color flag. The middle series has long tassel tassel. Outside the bead circle, there are "the commemoration of supporting the Republic" and "Kuping three coins and six cents", which are divided into Pentagram stars. Diameter 33 mm, weight 13.5g, color 70%.

4097 曹锟(戎装)宪法成立纪念银章



On October 5, 1923, Cao Kun was elected president and took office on October 10. This commemorative seal of Cao Kun's constitution, Wu Cao edition, was made by Tianjin mint for his inauguration as president. It is also called "Wu Cao coin". It is rare in the world and rarely circulated. It is thick and natural, in excellent condition, close to unused. Because of its deep and beautiful casting, excellent appearance and few circulation, this coin has a very high value High historical research and collection value. At the same time, it is also a rare object for Archaeology and study of Chinese history and culture.

4105 古罗马共和国银币



Roman republic silver coin with two sides on the front and four carriages on the back. The COINS are well made, the characters are lifelike and the workmanship is exquisite.

4119 甲辰江南省造光绪元宝七钱二分



Guangxu Yuanbao of Jiangnan province refers to a series of silver coins of the mechanism "Guangxu Yuanbao" forged by Nanjing mint from the 23rd to the 31st year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1897-1905). It is a legal circulation silver coin officially cast in the Qing Dynasty. Nanking Mint struck the seven silver coins in 1904

4126 民国十二年广东省造贰毫银币


此枚贰毫银币银币,其直径:2.4cm 重量:约5.3g,图文深邃,纹饰精美,十分美观。

The diameter of this silver coin is 2.4cm, the weight is about 5.3g, the picture and text are deep, the decoration is exquisite, and it is very beautiful.

4166 富字正银半两



The collection was made by the French in Hanoi, Vietnam during World War II. The collection is exquisitely made, rare and of high collection value!

4180 军政府造四川银币



The Revolution of 1911 broke out in October, 1911, and the sichuan military government of The Han Dynasty was established in Sichuan in December. The Military government of Sichuan took over the Sichuan mint factory located in Chengdu.

4257 江南省造甲辰光绪元宝金币



The collection is the Guangxu Yuanbao of Jiangnan province. It is engraved with Chinese characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" on the front, and "made in Jiangnan province" at the upper end, and "Kuping Qiqian Fen" on the bottom. A Pearl Dragon is engraved on the back, with English "Jiangnan province" on the top and "Kuping seven coins and two Fen" in English on the back, and a long six flower star on the left and right sides respectively 。 It is also called "Pearl Dragon" because of its unique scales with dragon patterns on its back, such as inlaid pearls.

4258 广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱三分金币


此币正面珠圈外缘上镌“KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE”十七英文字符,中译为“广东省”三字;珠圈内镌满·汉文“光绪元宝”四字;珠圈外左·右各分镌一“四瓣花星”纹饰;珠圈外下缘镌阿拉伯数字和英文币重“7 MACE AND 3 CANDAREENS”十九字样。背面上缘镌“广东省造”四字,中间镌一“蟠龙”纹;下缘镌“库平七钱三分”六字。

On the obverse side of the coin, 17 English characters of "Kwang-tung provision" are engraved on the outside edge of the bead circle, which is translated into "Guangdong Province" in Chinese; the four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese are engraved inside the bead circle; a four petal flower star is engraved on the left and right sides of the bead circle; Arabic numerals and 19 characters of English coin "7 mace and 3 candareens" are engraved on the lower edge of the bead circle. On the back, the four characters "made in Guangdong Province" are engraved on the upper edge, and a "Panlong" pattern is engraved in the middle; the six characters "Kuping Qiqian Sanfen" are engraved on the lower edge.

4260 中华民国二十五年壹圆金币



This gold coin is a one yuan gold coin in the 25th year of the Republic of China. In the center, there is a profile of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. on the inside of the coin is engraved with the words "25 years of the Republic of China" in Chinese. On the back is an ancient cloth map with a currency value of "one yuan" on the left and right, with straight-line edges and teeth,. The front and back of the coin are decorated with square thunder patterns. The design of the coin on the side of the groove is exquisite, and the font is elegant. The front design is the profile of Sun Yat Sen of Chuanyang, and the back is the traditional Chinese pattern of ancient cloth coins. The two sides of the front and back are engraved with patterns of shape, which is one of the exquisite circulating coins of the Republic of China.

4261 北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分金币



The seven coins and two Fen gold coin of Guangxu Yuanbao, made by Beiyang, is regular and deep. The spiral pattern on the bottom of the plate is clearly visible. The double sides are covered with thick paste. The gold light is dazzling. The dragon scale is full and the slurry is uniform. It is well preserved. It has high collection value

4284 中华民国八年壹圆金币



In the eighth year of the Republic of China, the Tianjin Mint tried again to issue gold coins based on the series of images of Yuan Shikai in the third year of the Republic of China, and made two kinds of gold coins with denominations of "ten yuan" and "twenty yuan". Cao Rulin, the then chief financial officer, was responsible for the case. This coin is not a temporary commemorative one, which means that at that time, the government did plan to issue gold coins for market circulation.

4285 江南省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分金币



This gold coin is the seven coins and two Fen gold coin of Guangxu Yuanbao in Jiangnan province. Compared with the "New Jiangnan" series gold coins marked with Ganzhi chronology at that time, it is commonly known as the "old Jiangnan" silver coin. Some people even call it the peak of the development history of modern mechanism gold coin inChina.

4297 奉天机器局造壹圆



In the 24th year of Guangxu's reign, Fengtian machinery bureau made a silver coin with a stamp and a good reputation. The dragon scale is full, the light is good, and the product is superior.

4326 宣统年造大清银币曲须龙



In 1911, the silver coin of the three years of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty was one yuan. The dragon face was beaten again. The dragon pattern was clear, and the paste was wrapped naturally. The state of

4391 1908年法属印度支哪 坐洋银币2枚



This group of coins is exquisite in casting, light in color and silvery in color, and rare in appearance, which is worthy of attention.

4486 中华民国开国纪念币上六星金币


此中华民国开国纪念币上六星金币齿边,正面中心为孙中山全侧像,上有“中华民国”、下有“开国纪念币”字。背面中心“壹圆”,并有英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”、“ONE DOLLAR”。

On the coin, there is a six-star gold coin with a tooth edge and a full profile of Sun Yat sen in the center of the front, with the words "Republic of China" on the top and "Founding coin" on the bottom. The center of the back is "one circle", and there are English "the public ofChina" and "one dollar".

4488 中华民国十八年签字版三帆船壹圆金币



The gold coin of "three sailboats and one yuan" signed in the 18th year of the Republic of China is very rare and has never been circulated. It is very exquisite in design, carving and processing. It is the highest standard silver coin of the Central Mint. This coin has a lofty and grand conception, magnificent and solemn patterns, fine and regular production, and is second to none in China. Based on this, in the old coin Tibet, this coin is the most beautiful coin in China.

4703 半两金币



One half Liang gold coin, the original Baoji, is well preserved. Banliang is the currency of Qin Dynasty. It is made of copper and has round square hole. In 221 BC, Qin unified the world and stipulated that half Liang coin in the outer circle and the inner side was the common currency inChina. This is the earliest unified currency inChina. This gold coin is more rare and precious, and has high collection and investment value.

4704 中华民国三年苏维埃签字版金币



Although the collection of this gold coin, which was signed by the Soviet Union in the third year of the Republic of China, has experienced endless years of baptism, it is still well preserved. Its color is bright and natural, the depth of decorative patterns is moderate, the edge line thickness is uniform, and the spacing is also consistent. Portrait, hair, beard, ear awn and other details are clear, vivid and natural. In the third year of the Republic of China, "yuan Datou" has a pentagonal profile of Yuan Shikai on the front, six characters of "three years of the Republic of China" on the right side of "Soviet" and two Jiahe on the back, which are of great collection and investment value.

2020新加坡东方艺术品拍卖会时间:2020年8月22日 上午9:30-下午18:00地点:新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店-会展中心4楼/茉莉宴会厅