




1. We wish to inform you that the name of the goods stated in L/C No... opened through the National Bank of Singapore should be amended to read " Emery Cloth". in stead of " Emery Powder", according to Contract No.... As the goods are ready for shipment, please amend the credit without delay.

我们希望告知你通过新加坡国家银行开出的...号信用证中描述的产品名称,按照...号合同规定应该是"砂布" 而不是“金刚砂”,因为货物已经备好待运,请马上修改信用证不要耽误。

2. As stipulated in S/C No.., we are to supply you with 200 sets of XXX Brand Bicycles 26". However, your L/C No... just to hand calls for XXX Brand, which has to be amended,Please do the necessary at your earliest convenience.

正如...售货确认书中规定的,我们供应你们200台 XXX牌26“自行车。但是,我们刚刚收到的你的...号信用证却写成 XXX牌,必须修改。请在你方便的时候尽快修改。

3.we have received our L/C No... calling for a shipment of 10,000 yards Contton Prints, Art.No.364. according to Contract No..., the quantity to be shipped is 10,000 yards, 5% more or less. It is cherefore necessary for your to amend the L/C according to the contract.


4.it has been found that the quantity assortment set forth in your L/C No... does not conform to that in our S/C No... You can see from the contract that the assortments is S/4. M/4, and L/4 per dozen while your L/C stipulates for S/3, M/4, and L/5. As we have packed the goods ready, Please make amendments accordingly.

我们发现...号信用证中规定的数量搭配和...售货确认书不相符。你可以从合同规定的数量搭配中看到是每打 S/4(小号4个). M/4(中号4个). 和L/4(大号4个),

但是,你的信用证中规定每打 S/3(小号3个), M/4(中号4个),L/5(大号5个)。因为我们已经包装好了产品。请相应修改信用证。

5. With reference to S/C No... covering 50,000 yards of Calicoes in 5 colours, we regret to note your L/C No.... calls for 6 colours, Since we have got the goods ready according to the contract, i.e. in 5 colours, we cannot help but ask you to amend the credit accordingly.


6. We have noted with regret that in your L/C No.... you have asked for packing in wooden cases, whereas the goods to be shipped will be packed in cartons as stipulated in our S/C No..... We should appreciate it if you could amend the L/C the soonest possible.


7. We have received your L/C No... against our S/C No... However, we find that the prices terms CIF have been mistakenly indicated as CFR. please refer to the said contract and amend the L/C.

我们已经收到按照我们...号售货确认书开出的...号信用证。我们发现价格术语是CIF却被错误的显示为CFR, 请参看上面所说的合同并修改信用证。

8.We are in receipt of your L/C No.. for an amount of USD50000. but without mentioning the 5% tolerance as provided for in Contract No.... in view of the nature of the goods, a tolerance of 5% both for quantity and amount should be permissible. Therefore we would ask you to amend the L/C correspondingly and let us have the L/C amendment as early as possible.
