
此前,美国一款叫poké的美食被誉为美版的黄焖鸡米饭而风靡美国,如今真正的黄焖鸡米饭将进入美国市场!据多家媒体报道,中国黄焖鸡(Chinese Clay Pot Chicken )米饭的创始品牌“杨铭宇黄焖鸡米饭”将于9月10号在加州的塔斯廷市(Tustin)开设美国的第一家分店



Founded just six years ago in 2011 by Xiao Lu Yang, the dish is deadly simple: slow-braised chicken thighs cut into cubes then covered with a special sauce produced in China that’s been passed down through the family since 1930s. Because the sauce is produced in China and then imported into the U.S. (with FDA approval), Yang’s is saying the dish will taste virtually identical to how it taste in China. The chicken is then finished with mushrooms, ginger, and peppers, which add some sweetness and a spicy kick.


In China, the dish is called huang meng braised chicken, and it’s traditionally cooked and served in a clay pot. At Yang’s Braised Chicken Rice, customers can choose between three levels of spice, adding a bit of variety to the order. Rice then comes on the side, but they recommend putting rice straight into the pot to enjoy.


据悉餐厅开在美国的首家分店位于奥兰治县(Orange County),占地约139平方米,将提供40个座位。

餐厅为什么选择将店开在塔斯廷市,而不是在全美最大的华人社区之一的圣盖博谷(San Gabriel Valley)对此,餐厅的首席执行官张昕宇(音译)表示,因为这里的房东(landlord)给了他们很吸引人的价格,并且塔斯廷市到奥兰治县的很多社区的交通都很方便。不过,公司也有计划将餐馆扩展至全美市场,和一些当地商店合作推动,大部分的扩展方式会通过特许经营(franchise)的模式。

黄焖鸡米饭是我国的人气美食,据新华网2016年1月12日报道,在支付宝发布的“2015年全民账单”中,黄焖鸡米饭力压兰州拉面和沙县小吃,成为新一代最受欢迎的“国民料理(national dish)”。


青菜萝卜各有所爱,有没有你心仪的美食在国外吃不到呢?那就只能出国前约起小伙伴,用吃到吐的方式say goobye啦