

Passage 1

(2021·浙江·三模) More than ever before, students all over the world are turning to online learning to further their education. 1.______ In order to help you as an online learner develop better study skills, keep reading to see some of the best study tips.

Practice Good Time Management. Time management is possibly one of the most important and valuable skills for online learners. 2.______ If you are busy with online studies as well as other commitments, avoid a study session right before an exam. It’s recommended that you plan ahead and be responsible for your own time.

Remove Distractions. This might be a hard step to conquer. From social media to kids playing in the next room, you’re bound to face countless amounts of distractions. The best advice is to try your best to lessen all the distractions and stay focused! Of course, distractions are unique to each individual and may also depend on circumstances. 3.______

Build Your Network. Many online courses are developed around the concept of cooperation with professors and educators who encourage students to work together to achieve their end goals. This is why it is important to build as many relationships as possible not only with your peers but with professors too. 4.______ Don’t be afraid to create a virtual study group either.

Create A Dedicated Study Space. 5.______ You needn’t recreate a proper university lecture room. Instead set up a study space to which you dedicate (致力) your studies to. Whether it’s in your own home or at the local library, it doesn’t really matter. What is important is that you create a space that is not only quiet but will be effective as well.

A.This tip is actually a whole lot simpler than people think.

B.You need regular access to a computer to take online classes.

C.Engage in as many discussions and group sessions as possible.

D.Ultimately, you will need to find what exactly works best for you.

E.The better you manage your time, the easier it will be to achieve your goals.

F.Make sure that your space is well lit with the right supplies necessary for your study.

G.Despite its huge benefits like added flexibility, this route can be overwhelming for people.


1.G 2.E 3.D 4.C 5.A【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了如何帮助在线学习者发展更好的学习技巧。1.上文“More than ever before, students all over the world are turning to online learning to further their education.(世界各地的学生比以往任何时候都更多地转向在线学习来进一步学习)”讲到很多人倾向于在线学习。下文“In order to help you as an online learner develop better study skills, keep reading to see some of the best study tips.(为了帮助你作为一个在线学习者,发展更好的学习技巧,请继续阅读一些最好的学习技巧)”讲的是作者在下文会提供一些好的学习技巧和建议。由此可以猜测,设空处需要一个承上启下的过渡句。G项“Despite its huge benefits like added flexibility, this route can be overwhelming for people.(尽管它有很多好处,比如增加了灵活性,但这条路线对人们来说是压倒性的)”中的“Despite its huge benefits”与上文一致,“this route can be overwhelming for people”与下文一致。故选G。2.根据小标题“Practice Good Time Management”可知这一段主要讲时间的管理。设空处应该也是围绕这一中心大意展开的。E项“The better you manage your time, the easier it will be to achieve your goals.(你的时间管理得越好,就越容易实现你的目标)”与上文一致。故选E。3.上文“Of course, distractions are unique to each individual and may also depend on circumstances.(当然,干扰是因人而异的,也可能取决于环境)”说明干扰因人而异,各有不同,此处承接上文,讲的是每个人都有适合自己的消除干扰的方法,D项“Ultimately, you will need to find what exactly works best for you.(最终,你需要找到最适合你的方法)”与上文一致。故选D。4.上文“This is why it is important to build as many relationships as possible not only with your peers but with professors too.(这就是为什么要建立尽可能多的关系,不仅是与你的同学,而且与教授)”说明要建立尽可能多的关系的原因,设空处承接上文所讲,应是对上一句的补充说明。C 项“Engage in as many discussions and group sessions as possible.(尽可能多地参与讨论和小组会议)”是对上一句的补充说明,与上文一致。故选C。5.根据小标题“Create A Dedicated Study Space.(创造一个专门的学习空间)”可知这一段主要讲如何创造一个专门的学习空间。下文“You needn’t recreate a proper university lecture room. Instead set up a study space to which you dedicate (致力) your studies to. Whether it’s in your own home or at the local library, it doesn’t really matter. What is important is that you create a space that is not only quiet but will be effective as well.(你不需要重建一个正规的大学讲堂。相反,你应该为自己设置一个学习空间。无论是在你自己家里还是在当地的图书馆,这都不重要。重要的是,你要创造一个不仅安静而且高效的空间)”,围绕创造一个专门的学习空间。设空处位于段首,应是用于引出下文。A 项“This tip is actually a whole lot simpler than people think.(这条建议实际上比人们想象的要简单得多)”与下文一致,其中simpler对应下文的needn’t 。故选A。


Passage 2

(2021·山东省实验中学二模) Taking an online course is an excellent way to learn a new skill or earn academic credit with a flexible schedule. There are various online courses to choose from, and many physical training institutions offer diverse online courses. 6.______ But if you take the following tips, it’s not difficult for you to distinguish yourself in your online courses.

Talk to an academic advisor. Before enrolling in an online class, talk to your academic advisor about what course you would like to take. If you are taking the class to earn a degree, it is important to talk to an advisor to make sure the course will fulfill a particular requirement.7.______

Meet the technical requirements. 8.______Having a reliable computer, Internet access, and up-to-date programs is necessary to succeed in an online course. Guarantee your computer can run any particular programs or tools essential for your coursework.

Make a weekly schedule. Once you understand the course’s workload and expectations, create a study schedule. 9.______Think about how many hours you should spend reviewing the course materials, doing the required reading, and completing your assignments each week. Once you create and stick to a schedule, your new routine will become second nature.

10.______ While logged into your online classroom, be sure that all other programs are turned off. Pop-ups from instant messages or alerts that you have received a new email can take your attention away. Additionally, considering it will be tempting to grab your phone and look at texts or watch Tiktoks, leave your phone somewhere out of sight.

A.Get rid of distractions.

B.Create a space to study.

C.A specific plan is crucial for success.

D.Sharpen your tools before making good work.

E.They enable your computer to function smoothly.

F.This step is important for ensuring a worthwhile course for you.

G.Accustomed to traditional ones, you may feel challenged to make a change.


6.G 7.F 8.D 9.C 10.A【分析】这是一篇说明文。介绍了网络学习的几种好的建议。6.根据上文“Taking an online course is an excellent way to learn a new skill or earn academic credit with a flexible schedule. There are various online courses to choose from, and many physical training institutions offer diverse online courses.(参加网络课程是一种学习新技能或在灵活的时间安排下获得学分的好方法。有各种各样的在线课程可供选择,许多体育培训机构提供各种各样的在线课程)”可知,网络学习已成为趋势,G项Accustomed to traditional ones, you may feel challenged to make a change. (习惯了传统课程,你可能会觉得做出改变很有挑战性),表示可能有些人很觉得网络学习很难,结合下文“But if you take the following tips, it’s not difficult for you to distinguish yourself in your online courses(但如果你采纳以下建议,你就不难在网络课程中脱颖而出)”,but转折后,表示采纳下列建议,你就会出众优秀,可呼应空上G项中应表示的网络学习有困难。故选G项。7.根据上文“If you are taking the class to earn a degree, it is important to talk to an advisor to make sure the course will fulfill a particular requirement.( 如果你修这门课是为了获得学位,和导师谈谈是很重要的,以确保这门课能满足特定的要求)”可知,和顾问谈谈,可以保证选的课程符合要求,F项This step is important for ensuring a worthwhile course for you. (这一步对于确保你有价值的课程是很重要的) ,和导师谈过,才能确保你选的课是有价值的(worthwhile),this step指代talk to your academic advisor,契合上文。故选F项。8.根据下文“Having a reliable computer, Internet access, and up-to-date programs is necessary to succeed in an online course. Guarantee your computer can run any particular programs or tools essential for your coursework (拥有一台可靠的计算机、互联网接入和最新的课程是成功学习在线课程的必要条件。保证您的计算机可以运行任何特定的程序或工具,为您的课程作业必不可少)”可知,电脑,网络,应用程序都是上网课的基本工具,D项Sharpen your tools before making good work.表示“做好工作前先把工具磨利”,tools呼应computer, Internet access, and up-to-date programs。故选D项。9.根据下文“Think about how many hours you should spend reviewing the course materials, doing the required reading, and completing your assignments each week. (想想你每周应该花多少小时来复习课程材料,做必要的阅读,完成作业)”,该句的内容就是根据自己的情况制定自己的具体的学习计划,该小题选择C项,其中A specific plan,契合引领下文。故选C项。10.该小题作为段首句,并且应该是一个小标题,要概括全段,结合下文“While logged into your online classroom, be sure that all other programs are turned off. Pop-ups from instant messages or alerts that you have received a new email can take your attention away. Additionally, considering it will be tempting to grab your phone and look at texts or watch Tiktoks, leave your phone somewhere out of sight.( 当登录到你的在线教室时,确保所有其他的程序都是关闭的。当你收到新邮件时,即时消息中的弹出窗口或提醒会分散你的注意力。此外,考虑到拿起手机看短信或tiktok视频很诱人,把手机放在看不见的地方)”可知,该段建议,一旦开始在线学习了,就关掉其他令你分心的应用程序,把手机放在远一些。A项Get rid of distractions(排除干扰),可以概括全段,祈使句作小标题,提出建议。故选A项。


Passage 3

(2021·山东泰安·一模) Online courses can be a great way to learn. They’re quite helpful if you ’re a busy college student who tries to balance coursework with a job. 11.______ But how can you successfully finish an online course?

Make sure you can reliably get online.

Ensure that you have chances to work online for several hours at a time. It's best if you have high speed Internet at home. That’s because most online courses include materials like videos. 12.______

Read the syllabus (教学大纲).

13.______ It will contain important information such as the professor’s email address and office hours. The syllabus will also provide information about the required course materials. If you’re wondering what books to buy, the syllabus will tell you.

Make a timetable.

With online courses, you can complete the work on your own time. However, you still need to create a plan and manage your time properly to finish the course. 14.______ For example, you could choose to devote Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8 pm to working on your class.

Behave properly in class.

How? Address your classmates and your professor by their name or title. And do not be disrespectful to others. For example, during discussion avoid saying, “That'’s a stupid statement. ” Instead, just say, “I disagree because…" Disagreement is fine. 15.______

A.So choose time for the class.

B.So set aside time for the class.

C.Disagreement helps form one’s own view.

D.Make your points in a polite way, however.

E.You will want these course materials to be loaded quickly.

F.They’re also a great choice if you can’t often get to campus.

G.It’s created by the professor to serve as a guide for the course.


11.F 12.E 13.G 14.B 15.D【分析】本文为应用文。文章说明了成功地完成一门在线课程的一些方法。11.上文“Online courses can be a great way to learn. They’re quite helpful if you ’re a busy college student who tries to balance coursework with a job.(网络课程是一个很好的学习方式。如果你是一个忙着平衡学业和工作的大学生,它们是非常有用的)”说明了网络学习对于平衡学业和工作的大学生来说非常有用。F选项“They’re also a great choice if you can’t often get to campus.(如果你不能经常去学校,它们也是一个不错的选择)”说明了网络学习对于平衡学业和工作,不能经常去学校的学生来说是很不错的选择。F项起到承接呼应上文的作用。故选F项。12.上文“It’s best if you have high speed Internet at home. That’s because most online courses include materials like videos. (如果你家里有高速网络,那就最好了。这是因为大多数在线课程都包括视频之类的材料)”说明了家里有高速网络有助于学习在线课程。E项“You will want these course materials to be loaded quickly.(你会希望这些课程材料能够快速加载)说明了家里有高速网络快速加载学习材料可以方便学习。”E选项起到承接呼应上文的作用。故选E项。13.由标题Read the syllabus (教学大纲)可知,G项“It’s created by the professor to serve as a guide for the course.(它是由教授创建的,作为这门课程的指南)”It指教学大纲,G项说明了教学大纲的设立者和作用,起到引起下文的作用。下文“It will contain important information such as the professor's email address and office hours. (它将包含重要的信息,如教授的电子邮件地址和办公时间)”说明了教学大纲包含的信息、作用,呼应G项。故选G项。14.上文“ However, you still need to create a plan and manage your time properly to finish the course. (然而,你仍然需要制定一个计划,合理地管理你的时间来完成课程)”说明了需要安排时间完成课程。B选项“So set aside time for the class.(所以要留出时间来上课)”呼应上文,与上文为因果关系。下文“For example, you could choose to devote Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8 pm to working on your class.(例如,你可以选择周二和周四晚上7点到8点的时间来学习你的课程)”对B选项举例说明。故选B项。15.标题“Behave properly in class.(在课堂上举止得体)”和下文“ Address your classmates and your professor by their name or title. And do not be disrespectful to others.(称呼同学和教授的名字或头衔。不要对别人不尊重)”说明了要尊重别人,行为有礼貌。D选项“Make your points in a polite way, however.(但是,要用礼貌的方式表达你的观点)”说明了言谈举止要礼貌,符合段落主旨,呼应标题。故选D项。


Passage 4

(2021·安徽芜湖·一模) Online education is one of the many advances that technology has brought to us.16.______ It’s really a great challenge to traditional education. However, people’s attitudes towards online education are different based on the advantages and disadvantages of it.

17.______ Traditional universities have opened up many online courses for students who do not have the time to attend classes or the budget to accept actual university education. From music to cooking, we can get a number of online courses to learn.

The main advantage of online learning is that it offers an alternative to traditional classes.18.______ And it, in some ways, increases the study efficiency. For example, it saves time between our school and home so that we can have more time to learn.

The disadvantage of online learning is that it ignores the communication between students and the teacher and their classmates. Besides, its role in some areas is also limited.19.______

Only by making full use of its strengths and avoiding its weaknesses can we achieve the biggest benefit.20.______ For example, you can learn theories online while learning hands-on skills in traditional classes.

A.The difference lies in the learning experience.

B.In recent years, there is a big growth in online learning.

C.Some skills like nursing work must be learned face to face.

D.It means we no longer have to be physically present in the classroom.

E.Combining online education with traditional education is the best choice.

F.The traditional education will be replaced by online learning in the future.

G.It’s good for students with busy schedules and for those who are working at the same time.


16.D 17.B18.G 19.C 20.E【分析】这是一篇议论文。文章介绍了在线教育的优点、缺点以及人们对在线教育的不同态度,最后指出最好的选择是在线教育与传统教育相结合。16.根据上文“Online education is one of the many advances that technology has brought to us. (在线教学是科技带给我们的众多进步之一。)”可知,此处内容与在线教学的影响有关,选项D中代词It指的是上文的Online education,因此选项D“It means we no longer have to be physically present in the classroom. (这意味着我们不再需要亲自出现在教室里。)”符合题意。故选D。17.根据下文“Traditional universities have opened up many online courses for students who do not have the time to attend classes or the budget to accept actual university education. (传统大学为那些没有时间上课或没有预算接受大学教育的学生开设了许多在线课程。)”可知,此处内容与近年来在线教学的应用增多有关,选项B“In recent years, there is a big growth in online learning. (近年来,在线学习有了很大的增长。)”符合题意。故选B。18.根据上文“The main advantage of online learning is that it offers an alternative to traditional classes. (在线学习的主要优点是它为传统课程提供了另一种选择。)”可知,此处内容与在线学习对某些人来说是有好处的有关,选项G“It’s good for students with busy schedules and for those who are working at the same time. (这对日程安排繁忙的学生和那些同时工作的人来说是有好处的。)”符合题意。故选G。19.根据上文“Besides, its role in some areas is also limited. (此外,它在某些领域的作用也是有限的。)”可知,此处内容与线上学习的局限性有关,选项C“Some skills like nursing work must be learned face to face. (有些技能,如护理工作,必须面对面学习。)”符合题意。故选C。20.根据下文“For example, you can learn theories online while learning hands-on skills in traditional classes. (例如,你可以在网上学习理论,同时在传统课程中学习实践技能。)”可知,此处内容与建议把在线教学与传统教育相结合有关,选项E“Combining online education with traditional education is the best choice. (在线教学与传统教育相结合是最好的选择。)”符合题意。故选E。 


Passage 5

(2021·陕西·西安市铁一中学模拟预测) Nowadays, online learning turns out to be more and more practiced. It represents an easy and comfortable method for achieving knowledge in almost every field. 21.______ It is therefore especially beneficial to those who can't go to school for certain reasons. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning?

Although many people still consider traditional classes as the best way to attain knowledge, online learning proves to be a useful option. Students have the chance to study in their own time. It is a great way to study many fields and to improve the level of self-motivation. 22.______ Then there is more time left for hobbies or other activities.

What else? Easy access to all resources of a traditional course helps students learn wherever they are. 23.______ Among other advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline(自律) of students.

24.______ At school,students learn how to make friends, be patient,get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Online leaning cannot offer human interaction. Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot deal with thousands of students that try to join discussions.

In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement(补充) to and extension of classical forms of learning. 25.______ Each form of learning has every reason to exist.

A.Online learning reaches more and more people.

B.Online learning is a great alternative to traditional classes.

C.However, only in a small group can a student develop properly.

D.Besides, they are able to attend different courses on the Internet.

E.Even the best online course can't fully replace face-to-face contact.

F.Online learning is effective as students can make full use of their time.

G.But online learning is also effective for those who can't focus their attention.


21.B 22.F 23.D 24.C 25.E【分析】本文是说明文。主要讲了在线学习的好处和坏处,交代了在线学习可以作为传统教学方式的补充,但是不能完全代替。21.根据横线后面的话“It is therefore especially beneficial to those who can't go to school for certain reasons.”(因此,它对那些由于某些原因不能上学的人特别有益。),横线上应该填一个在线学习的好处,与下文是因果关系,根据逻辑关系,B项(在线学习是传统课程的一个很好的选择。),符合题意,故选B。22.根据横线前文“It is a great way to study many fields and to improve the level of self-motivation.(这是研究许多领域和提高自我激励水平的伟大途径。)”和横线后文“Then there is more time left for hobbies or other activities.( 然后还有更多的时间用于爱好或其他活动)”可知,在线学习的好处是可以学习不同领域的知识,而且可以腾出更多的时间用于其它做其它事情,说明在线学校是高效率的,因此推断F(在线学习是有效的,因为学生可以充分利用他们的时间),符合题意,与上文是并列关系,说明在线学校的益处,与下文是因果关系,高效率才能腾出更多的时间。故选F。23.本句承接前一句“Easy access to all resources of a traditional course helps students learn wherever they are.(容易获得传统课程的所有资源有助于学生在任何地方学习。)”,提到在线学习可以让学生在任何地方学习,D项(此外,他们可以参加不同的网络课程)符合语境。D项中的they指代前一句中的students。与前文是递进关系,说明在线学习的便利。故选D。24.根据空后内容“Online leaning cannot offer human interaction. Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot deal with thousands of students that try to join discussions.(在线学习不能提供人类互动。另一个缺点是,在线课程不能处理成千上万试图参加讨论的学生。)”可知,本段介绍在线学习的弊端。C项中的However与上文讲述在线学习的好处构成转折关系,且空后一句“At school,students learn how to make friends, be patient,get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete.(在学校,学生学会如何交朋友,如何有耐心,如何摆脱失望,特别是如何参加竞争。)”是对C项“然而,只有在一个小群体中,学生才能得到适当的发展。”的解释说明。故选C。25.本段是总结性段落。由上文以及横线句前一句“In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement(补充) to and extension of classical forms of learning.”可知,传统课堂提供学生面对面互动的机会,而在线学习不能提供,所以在线学习不能完全替代传统课堂,只能用作传统课堂的补充和延伸,故E项(即使是最好的在线课程也不能完全替代面对面接触)符合语境。故选E。 


Passage 6

(2021·湖南·长沙市南雅中学一模) As the COVID-19 forces students to stay home, online learning has seen a sharp rise among students. Since late January, China has delayed starting the new school semester and encouraged students to study at home over safety concerns.

Besides what has been arranged by your schools as your study routine, what can you gain from online learning? 26.______

To successfully learn online, you need to dedicate a significant amount of your time, consistently attend the program, concentrate while studying and fully stick to your learning process, just as you would do for a regular course.

To stay on track with your online course, always keep in mind what you hope to complete by the end of it.27.______ Estimate how much time each task will take to complete. Keep detailed notes and review them often.

A study plan is important to online learning.28.______Online learning needs to be well organized. Create a study calendar that will help you remember all the important dates like online exams or deadlines for your assignments.

When you feel yourself losing concentration, consider taking a short break or sopping for the night. 29.______

Taking online courses can be very convenient for many people. 30.______It requires time management skills, self-discipline, willpower and motivation.

A.Make a goal.

B.It can also offer you a good experience for self-learning.

C.Most importantly, you need to plan ahead with a good calendar system.

D.Online course companies also adopted special measures to meet students’ demands.

E.However, it may be challenging for some to successfully complete their online courses.

F.A to-do list is useful to carry out your study plan and to stay on track with your studying.

G.It is better to wait until you are able to start afresh rather than waste your time trying to focus.


26.B 27.A 28.C 29.G 30.E【分析】这是一篇说明文。疫情期间,很多学生在家里上起了网课,本文介绍了一些方法,帮助学生上网课时更好地自学。26.上一句是一个问句,提问说“除了学校安排的每天的网上课程,学生还能得到什么”,所以下一句必须是对这一句的回答。B选项“网上学习给学生一个很好的自我学习的经历”,这与上一句连贯。故选B项。27.上一句所给的建议是,“如果想让网课按计划进行,就要记着上完课你想要完成什么任务。”这和A选项“Make a goal。”设定一个目标,就是同一个意思的不同表达方法,切合本段的主旨大意。故选A项。28.本段的主旨大意是学习计划对于网上学习是很重要的。所以第3小题必须与学习计划相关。其次,下文中“ Create a study calendar that ”,“制作一个学习日历”可知,本段是从制作学习日历来制定学习计划,C选项切合题意。故选C项。29.本段第一句,意思为“当发觉自己精力不集中时,可以让自己休息一会或者给自己一个小奖励”,所以该空应当围绕休息之后所带来的好处展开。G选项意思为,等到自己精力恢复重新开始要好于把时间浪费在努力让自己专注。故选G项。30.上一句说的是“上网课对于许多学生来说很便利”而后一句却说的是“网上学习需要管理技能,自律精神,意志力和动力。”这两句意思上是相反的,所以该空在逻辑关系上要和上一句构成转折关系。故选E项。 


Passage 7

(2020·浙江·杭州高级中学三模) Are you one of the increasing number of students who are struggling for college education online? Follow these tips to help you be a successful online learner?

Many students assume that online classes require less work and are easier than traditional classes. 31.______

Arrangement according to class schedule is important. Log on to your course according to the required schedule. Manage your time just as you would in a traditional course.

32.______ You may not be able to turn in papers, view videos, or participate in groups if you don't have the proper technology. Make sure that you have the proper Internet connection and software programs installed (安装).

During class, you are advised to be focused. Read and practice everything. 33.______ Don’t run through a course skipping videos, animations (动画), and ungraded self-assessment activities. Be comfortable communicating through text. Most communication in an online course occurs through the written word. Discussion board posts, written assignments, and email are all common modes of communication in online courses. 34.______ Be prepared to read and write a lot in online courses.

Remember to be active. If you have questions or don’t understand an assignment, tell your instructor. 35.______ Don’t wait until after you’ve turned in an assignment to let the instructor know that you have struggled. If you email or call the instructor before an assignment, quiz, or exam, you’ll prevent the struggle, and avoid having your grade suffer.

A.Go through every screen.

B.Online classes require less work

C.You’ll understand the instructor better.

D.Be sure you have the required software and hardware.

E.Your instructor can help you better if you tell him or her.

F.In reality, they’re designed just as demanding as traditional courses.

G.This is different from traditional classes, where a lot of communication is oral.


31.F 32.D 33.A 34.G 35.E【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要就如何成为一个成功的在线学习者提供了一些建议。31.上文Many students assume that online classes require less work and are easier than traditional classes.(很多学生认为在线学习要求的工作更少,比传统课程更容易)与F. In reality, they're designed just as demanding as traditional courses(事实上,它们和传统课程一样要求很高)承接自然,上下文构成明显的转折关系,traditional classes和traditional courses是关键词,故选F项。32.根据Make sure that you have the proper Internet connection and software programs installed(确保你有网络连接和安装了相应的软件程序)可知,本段主要讲述要有适当的网络和软件程序,D. Be sure you have the required software and hardware.(确保你有要求的软件和硬件)可以作为本段中心句,故选D项。33.上文During class, you are advised to be focused. Read and practice everything.(在上课期间,你应该集中注意力,阅读和练习每一个知识)与A. Go through every screen.(浏览每一个视频)承接自然,上下文都是关于上网课要集中注意力,不要错过任何一个环节,everything和every screen是关键词,故选A项。34.上文Discussion board posts, written assignments, and email are all common modes of communication in online courses.(讨论版帖子、书面作业和电子邮件都是在线课程中常见的交流方式)与G. This is different from traditional classes, where a lot of communication is oral.(这与传统课堂不同,传统课堂上很多交流都是口头上的)承接自然,选项中的this指代上文所说的几种在线课程交流方式,communication是关键词,故选G项。35.上文If you have questions or don’t understand an assignment, tell your instructor.(如果你有问题或不理解作业,告诉你的老师)与E. Your instructor can help you better if you tell him or her.(如果你告诉她/他,你的指导老师可以更好地帮助你)承接自然,instructor是关键词,故选E项。


Passage 8


Courses that are taught through the Internet,or online courses,have become popular in many countries. 36.______ But most show a video of a teacher and students in a classroom. Students watch the video online and take part in online activities. Some courses are free and open to anyone, giving students anywhere the chance to study at any time.

37.______ Some schools in Singapore, for example, have tablets and touchscreens instead of books and blackboards in the classrooms. There are also social media platforms to help the students work together on projects, and online “worlds” where the students can interact with each other and the digital environment while completing different tasks.

38.______ The teachers are in their home countries and are connected to the Korean classrooms through the Internet. Instead of looking at a screen, the students interact with a robot in the classroom. The robot is controlled by the teacher and can move around the classroom and talk with students. It is unlikely that robot teachers will replace real teachers. 39.______

These important examples show us that e-learning can be successful. Thanks to technology, more and more ways of teaching and learning are being developed. 40.______

However, one thing is for sure-there has never been a more interesting time to be a student.

A.There are different kinds of online courses.

B.Students are more likely to take part in a real class.

C.Other kinds of e-learning are being tested around the world.

D.Nobody knows what the classroom of the future will look like.

E.But like online learning environments, they can be useful tools.

F.In South Korea, some students are taught English by teachers abroad.

G.E-learning will surely replace the real classroom learning in the near future.


36.A 37.C 38.F 39.E 40.D【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了在线学习的特点以及一些国家的学生在线学习的情况。36.空后说但大多数(在线课程)都是教室里的老师和学生的视频,因此此处应该是说在线课程有很多种,故A项(在线课程有很多种)符合语境。37.空后说例如,新加坡的一些学校在教室里配有平板电脑和触摸屏,而不是书本和黑板,这是对空处的举例说明,说明很多国家都在测试在线学习,故C项(世界各地都在测试其他类型的在线学习)符合语境。38.空后说这些老师在自己的国家,通过互联网与韩国的教室相连,因此此处讲的是韩国学生的在线学习情况,故F项(在韩国,一些学生由国外老师教英语)符合语境。39.空前说机器人老师不太可能取代真正的老师,此处承接上文,并与之形成转折,讲的是机器人老师的作用,E项中的they指代的就是前面提到的robot teachers,故E项(但就像在线学习环境一样,它们也可以成为有用的工具)符合语境。40.空前说由于科技的发展,越来越多的教与学的方法被开发出来,此处总结上文,讲的是这种发展可能会带来的影响,故D项(没人知道未来的教室会是什么样子)符合语境。【点睛】在七选五的解题过程中,选项中出现的代词与上文出现的某一名词的指代关系往往是重要线索,例如本篇第4题,根据空前的“It is unlikely that robot teachers will replace real teachers.”可知,机器人老师不太可能取代真正的老师,此处承接上文,并与之形成转折,讲的是虽然机器人老师不能取代真正的老师,但是它们会起到什么样的作用,E项中的they指代的就是前面提到的robot teachers,故E项(但就像在线学习环境一样,它们也可以成为有用的工具)符合语境。