
1.These letters are filled with his wrestling with the consequences of being the part-private, part-public creature that he became, desperate to devote himself to his writing, and yet subject to endless invasions of his privacy.

2.Then came the hot iron: news of a series of measures to shore up the bank’s capital base, among them investments from sovereign-wealth funds in Singapore and the Middle East.

3.The change of approach may be on the advice of auditors and regulators but it is more likely to reflect a desire by UBS’s bosses to avoid months of speculation about the bank’s exposure, something that Marcel Rohner, the chief executive, described as “distracting”.


1.主体句式:These letters are filled with his wrestling.

结构分析:这是一个简单句,难点在于最后两个形容词词组的成分(desperate to devote himself to his writing, and yet subject to endless invasions of his privacy)。这两个形容词词组用来修饰前面的名词creature, 而creature后面紧跟着的that 引导的从句也是修饰它的定语从句。


2.主体句式:Then came the hot iron.

结构分析:这是一个有复杂同位语的一个简单句。news of …是前面the hot iron的同位语,to shore up the bank’s capital base是不定式短语作定语修饰前面的measures, 而后面among them …也是用来修饰measures,具体介绍其中的一些措施。

句子译文:紧接着就来了hot iron :报道有一系列的措施来支持银行的资本基础,其中就有新加坡和中东的君主财富基金。

3.主体句式: The change of approach may be… but …

结构分析:这是一个并列句,but 引导的分句比较复杂,to avoide …不定式短语作前面a desire的定语,而something that…是a desire的同位语,该同位语中又包含了一个定语从句。

句子译文:方法改变可能是审计员或调节员建议的,但更反映了UBS高层的不愿数月都预计银行曝光的意愿,这个被首席执行官Marcel Rohner形容为“转移注意力(的方案)”。


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