
















Because of the visibility. There isn’t any platform like Webnovel focused in this kind of web novels in Spanish. Moreover, there are also more people who can read English than Spanish.




这位西班牙的青年说从网文获得的收入比全职工作一个月还多(“more than a full-month job”)。

他的作品《最终愿望系统》(Last Wish System)目前已累计超800万点击。


Last Wish System


In a universe where the great experts can reincarnate, Yale Roanmad reincarnated with almost no memories of his past life and didn't know who he was.

Despite the problem with his memories, Yale had obtained a strange legacy from his own past life the Last Wish System.

Yale, who remembered the pain of dying, decided to turn strong to avoid suffering the same pain again. Moreover, he also decided to investigate his own past life to remember who he was.


Alemillach说,“我的故事里面的主角是来自于另一个世界的化身(reincarnation),他不像很多故事的主角那样会武功,他是一个有着前世记忆的人,但是到目前为止他还不太清楚他的前世具体是什么人(He didn’t have memories of who he is in the past life)。”



Chapter 401: A New and Cruel Trump Card

Yale looked at his father with doubts in his face as he didn't feel that failing to see a mere marriage was enough to kill someone, but the fear in his father's voice seemed real.

"Don't doubt about my words! Your mother is very lovely, but she is fearsome when she is angry. Moreover, given her level, I can't do anything to stop her. Since she can't come to see you right now, she entrusted me taking care of you without affecting your fate, and your mother was eager to see you marry someone, so I am sure that if you marry without me being present, she will be angry. In fact, I am already fearing how will she react when she learns that you needed to reincarnate and that I was unable to help you because I was trapped..."







Number One Dungeon Supplier


这是一个现代背景的带有武侠元素的故事(modern context with inspiration from Chinese wuxia novels),主角是一个刚从大学毕业的青年人,他的祖父去世了,并在去世以后给他留下了一个系统,让他通过这个系统去追求梦想(a system for people to pursue dreams),成为一个秘境供应商。其他人可以进入他的秘境,在类似虚拟现实的体验中战斗。故事融入了武侠还有修仙的元素。

作者很开心地分享说,这个秘境里还有美食,还有熊猫的元素(panda element)。就像他自己做的tags:

Cultivation, System, Business, Fantasy, Monster Catching, a little bit on food and a tinge of romance.



"Jin, I guess if you're reading this letter, then I'm already dead."

Xie Jin gripped the letter tightly as its words hit him. He continued to pack up the furniture and other odds and ends that were left behind in the almost-empty house of his grandfather, Xie Ming, who had passed on recently.

The lawyer who was handling the inheritance of his only caretaker had given Jin a key to open his grandfather's safe. Jin's mother had given birth to him when both she and her partner were in their late teens, but unfortunately, they were brutally murdered by a rogue, psychopathic cultivator.

That's right. In today's world, anyone could become a cultivator so long as they had the potential. Those with sufficient cultivation could run at high speeds that rivaled modern-day transportation systems or even fly. That said, public transport was still available for both commoners and cultivators anyway.

However, that did not mean that commoners (those who were without cultivation, or who had not yet awakened their abilities) were at a disadvantage against modern-day cultivators.

In the interest of keeping safety and order, the top ten most supreme cultivators during the golden age of cultivation had convened and acted on their collective wisdom, thus drastically changing the laws of nature. As a consequence, all babies that were born after that change had their Dantian chi point solidified, and all humans — cultivated or otherwise — could never truly be killed.



Overall, it was interesting to see from the comments that I have attracted a variety of readers. Those who just read for fun, those who just want a simple plot, those read things without analyzing and those who appreciate the hidden symbolism I had placed throughout the novel.





他的小说《重生:虚无进化》(Reborn: Evolving From Nothing),是目前的当红网文,在Webnovel排第三,吸引了超过900万的点击阅读。


Reborn: Evolving From Nothing


Dorian was out celebrating his college graduation when a car slammed into him, and darkness took hold.

He awoke to find himself in a strange new body, in a strange new world.

One world among 30,000 fantastical worlds, where the mighty rule, where mystic beasts walk the earth, and magic spells warp reality.

For Dorian to survive in these worlds, unfettered and free, living by his strong moral code, he will need great strength.

He must make use of his strange new body and Evolve.


I love the concept of Evolving and Reincarnation. I’ve always wanted to read a really good Evolution novel, where creatures Evolve and grow, gaining abilities and powers. However, I could never quite find one with a really good or interesting plot. I’ve certainly read a few that started strong, but many of them seemed to fizzle off, or become Slice-Of-Life! There is nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t quite to my taste, so… I decided to take matters into my own hands, and write my own!


他的文学之旅也是从阅读开始的,因为喜欢奇幻和冒险类型的故事,Logan最开始接触到的中国网络小说是《斗破苍穹》(Battle Through the Heavens)和《盘龙》(Coiling Dragon)。接下来是《我欲封天》(I Shall Seal the Heavens),读得越来越多,就爱上了网络小说。

“我的小说Reborn: Evolving From Nothing也极大地受到了中国网络小说的影响,许多灵感都来源于中国网络小说。还有小说中的人物灵感有一些也是来自于中国古典经典形象,比如孙悟空,”Logan说。





An ominous ringing sound roused Dorian. As he began waking up, he felt an odd pressure pushing down on him, constricting him. He tried, and failed, to open his eyes as he came fully awake, his mind awash with confusion.




A wash of memories swept over him as he tried to understand where he was and what was happening.

He was a fresh graduate from college, an aerospace engineer celebrating graduation with a night out. Dorian strained his mind, and vaguely remembered crossing a local street, and hearing a loud screeching noise.

The very last thing Dorian could recall was a wave of pain crashing into his side, and then a sudden, fading darkness that overwhelmed all.

"Did I die? Am I dead?" He mumbled, or tried to. When he tried to speak, however, all that came out was a gargling echo.




The ringing sound continued for several more minutes as Dorian struggled to see or speak.

After a few minutes of effort, Dorian figured out that while he still couldn't see or speak, he was able to move, albeit very slowly. By focusing his will on moving his body forward, he felt himself sluggishly start to drift forward.

Through this, Dorian determined that he no longer had a human body. Or, if he did, it was one that was horribly maimed beyond all recognition.




或许资深网文译者,来自新加坡的温宏文Jeremy Oon,笔名Cktalon,能用自身的体验和经历来解释中国式网文魅力何在。


It at first completely overturned my understanding of what traditional and serious literature was. “Reading enjoyment” and “ardor-inducement” was my first impression of online literature. When I delved deeper, these stories about how one “starts from zero” facilitates one's immersion. As such, the qualities of the protagonist, such as the eagerness to improve, allowed me to be very willing to accompany his growth and experience his plethora of emotions.


Just like the protagonist, we are but tiny characters in this massive world, yet he is able to do his life over again, giving us endless imagination towards the entire story.


It can be said that online literature itself contains a charm that is able to connect common points in the human psyche. Brotherhood, friendship, loyalty, desire to be recognized, et cetera. This freshness that exceeds the limits of one’s imagination also allows readers to continue trying out new works.





金丹 Golden Core

元神 Nascent Soul

神仙 Immortals

后天 Postnatal

先天 Connate

天劫 Heavenly Tribulation

灵宝 Numinous treasure

三千世界 Trichiliocosm

真仙 Perfected Immortal

太乙 Primordial Unity

大罗 Zenith Heaven

筑基 Foundation Establishment

法器 Dharma artifact

杀气 Murderous Aura



I have already quit my job as a programmer to spend all my time writing, so my lifestyle changed a lot. Working at home is pretty good, but I need to schedule my time to go outside. If I get too immersed in writing and I forget about seeing the sun, it will be bad for my health.


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