

一、 be动词: I am (was) 是

You We They 所有人称复数 are (were)是

He She It 第三人称单数 is (was) 是


can能 will将 let’s让我们 may可以 must必须 need需要 want to想

should应该 to去…

三、like后面的动词要加ing或接to +动词原形(因为两个动词不能连用)

like swimming或like to swim like playing或like to play

like dancing 或like to dance like riding 或like to ride


play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 play table tennis打乒乓球

play baseball打棒球 play chess下棋play badminton打羽毛球


play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin拉小提琴 play the guitar弹吉他

play the pipa 弹琵琶


① I am= I’m我是 ② you are= you’re你是 ③can not=can’t 不能

④he is= he’s他是 ⑤she is= she’s她是 ⑥it is=it’s它是

⑦there are= there’re 有 ⑧there is= there’s 有 ⑨will not = won’t 将不

⑩ are not= aren’t不是 ⑾ is not= isn’t不是 (12) could not =couldn’t 不能


1、句中有are、is、can、may、will、must、should等单词时,把这些单词直接放在句子开头变问句,句有some变any,如果是I am…,则要变成Are you…?用什么词问,用什么词答。

例子:I can run fast.变成Can you run fast? 答Yes,I can./No, I can’t.


例子:He reads a book. 变成Does he read a book?

Yes,he does./No, he doesn’t.

八、There be句型:包括There is和 There are,意思是…地方有…

例子:(单数)There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。

(复数)There are lots of books on the desk. 桌上有许多本书。


例子:Daming has got a kite and we fly it in the park.

I’ve got some chopsticks,but they are difficult.



which哪个 what colour什么颜色 what time几点 who谁 whose谁的 what什么

where在哪里 what day星期几 when什么时候 why为什么(用Because回答)

how old几岁how many多少 how much多少钱 how big多大 how tall多高

how怎样 how long多长(时间)how far多长(距离)


What are you doing? What does he do? What’s she like?

What is your favourite food? Why? Which season do you like best? What would you like to eat? What can you do? What do you have on Friday?

What’s the weather like in London? Who is she? Whose book is this?

When do you get up? When is Easter? What time is it?

Where did you go? Where is the book? What colour is it?

What is this ? How are you? How old are you? How about?

How tall are you? How much is it? How many pens do you have?


1、划线部分是人,如句子“Daming plays basketball.”先将句子变成一般疑问句,再将Daming换成对应的疑问词Who,疑问词一律放开头,后接一般疑问句,变成:

Daming plays basketball. I can swim.

Does Daming play basketball? Can you swim?

Does Who play basketball? Can Who swim?

Who does play basketball? Who can swim?

2、划线部分是动作,如句子“Daming plays basketball.” 先将句子变成一般疑问句,再将plays basketball换成对应的疑问词What do,疑问词一律放开头,后接一般疑问句,变成:

Daming plays basketball. I can swim.

Does Daming play basketball? Can you swim?

Does Daming What do ? Can you What do?

What does Daming do What can you do?

3、划线部分是时间,如句子“Daming plays basketball at 8 o’clock.” 先将句子变成一般疑问句,再将at 8 o’clock换成对应的疑问词When,疑问词一律放开头,后接一般疑问句,变成:

Daming plays basketball at 8 o’clock.

Does Daming play basketball at 8 o’clock.?

Does Daming play basketball When

When does Daming play basketball ?

4、划线部分是地点,如句子“Daming plays basketball at school.” 先将句子变成一般疑问句,再将at school换成对应的疑问词where,疑问词一律放开头,后接一般疑问句,变成:

Daming plays basketball at school.

Does Daming play basketball at school.?

Does Daming play basketball Where

Where does Daming play basketball ?





例子: I go to school everyday. He always goes to school.

They often go swimming. Amy never goes swimming.

Pandas love bamboo. The cat loves fish.


1)、直接加s。如:play – plays

2)、以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i,再加es。如:study – studies

3)、以s、x、sh、ch、o结尾,加es。 如:watch – watches go – goes



特征词:yesterday、last year、last week、ago、in 1990、then等

例子:I went to school yesterday. Amy sang a song last week.

They were students in 1990.


1)、直接加ed。如:play – played

2)、以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i,再加ed。如:study – studied

3)、以不发音e结尾,加d。 如:dance –danced

4)、1元1辅,重读闭音节结尾,双写辅音字母,再加ed。如:stop- stopped



be going to+动词原形;( be包含am、are、is,根据不同人称变化)

特征词:tomorrow、in 2020、next week、next day等

例子:You will take pictures. You are going to take pictures.

My mother will buy things. My mother is going to buy things.




例子:Look!They are playing football. She is laughing now.

I’m making cakes.


1)、直接加ing。如:play – playing

2)、以不发音e结尾,去e,再加ing。 如:dance –dancing

3)、以ie结尾,把ie改为y,再加ing。如:lie – lying

4)、1元1辅,重读闭音节结尾,双写辅音字母,再加ing。如:run - running


一、动词 (v.)


sit(sat)坐 stand(stood)站 sleep(slept)睡 tell(told)告诉 ride(rode)骑

eat(ate)吃swim(swam)游take(took)买,带 teach(taught)教 catch(caught)接

do(did)做 have(had)有,吃 sing(sang)唱 ring(rang)响铃 learn(learnt)学习

win(won)赢 buy(bought)买 read(read)读 put(put)放置 think(thought)认为

get(got)获得set(set)安置 send(sent)寄 wake(woke)醒 bring(brought)带来

wear(wore)穿 say(said)说 become(became)成为 go(went)走 fly(flew)飞 know(knew)知道lose(lost)丢失speak(spoke)说 give(gave)给hold(held)抓住

fall(fell)落下 make(made)做 drink(drank)喝 drive(drove)驾驶 see(saw)看 find(found)找到 come(came)来 draw(drew)画 run(ran)跑 meet(met)见面

write(wrote)写 can(could)能 hear(heard)听 begin(began)开始


point(pointed)指 walk(walked)走 climb(climbed)爬 study(studied)学习

try(tried)尝试 play(played)玩 jump(jumped)跳 finish(finished)吃完

like(liked)喜欢 live(lived)居住 turn(turned)转弯borrow(borrowed)借

use(used)使用 wash(washed)洗 carry(carried)携带 dance(danced)跳舞


stop(stopped)停 start(started)开始 clean(cleaned)打扫 wait(waited)等

use(used)使用 open(opened)打开 believe(believed)相信show(showed)展示

close(closed)关 fix(fixed)修理 watch(watched)看 laugh(laughed)笑

enjoy(enjoyed)享用 clean(cleaned)打扫 lick(licked)舔


put on穿上 take off脱掉 fall off跌落 go to school上学 read books看书

listen to music听音乐 do morning exercises晨练 wash the clothes洗衣服

watch TV看电视 do homework做作业 do housework做家务go on a picnic野餐

get on上车get off下车go home回家wake up醒来get up起床go to bed睡觉

water the flowers浇花sing English song唱英语歌write a letter写信

eat breakfast吃早饭eat lunch吃午饭eat dinner吃晚饭have class上课

play sports做运动go swimming去游泳pick apples摘苹果fly kites放风筝

fly away飘走send an e-mail发电子邮件 had a cold感冒 go fishing钓鱼

climb mountains爬山 visit grandparents拜访祖父母make a snow man堆雪人

go straight向前直走 turn right向右转 turn left向左转 take pictures照相 go for a walk散步take a dancing class上舞蹈课clean the room打扫房间

go shopping买东西speak English说英语draw cartoons画漫画do kung fu练武

draw pictures画画ride a bike骑单车play football踢足球 go boating 划船

keep to the right 靠右 keep your desk clean保持桌面干净drink water喝水

talk quietly小声说work quietly安静take turns 按顺序 cook dinner做饭

see a film看电影 pay attention to 注意go camping野营slow down慢下来

see a doctor看医生look up 查找count to ten数到十stay healthy 保持健康

study hard 努力学习 work hard 努力工作make robots做机器人go hiking远足go cycling 骑自行车 ice-skate滑冰take a deep breath深吸口气

二、 人体 (body)

body身体 head头 hair头发 face脸 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳leg腿

arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 toe脚趾 foot脚 knee 膝盖

三、 颜色 (colour)

colour彩色 red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 brown棕

purple紫 pink粉红 orange橙 grey灰

四、 动物 (animals)

dog狗 bear熊 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 panda熊猫 elephant大象 cow 牛

bird鸟 snake蛇 fish鱼monkey猴 pig猪 chicken鸡chick小鸟goat山羊

lion狮子 sheep绵羊 tiger老虎 giraffe长颈鹿 kangaroo袋鼠cat猫 hen母鸡

dinosaur 恐龙 cheetah猎豹mouse(mice)老鼠

五、 人物 (person)

grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父 baby婴儿

cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹 Mr.先生 Mrs.太太 Miss小姐 uncle叔叔 aunt姨

grandparents祖父母 parents父母 brother兄弟 sister姐妹people人物

family家庭,家人 mother母亲 father父亲 mum妈妈 dad爸爸 son儿子

man男人 men男人们 woman女人 women女人们 boy男孩 girl女孩 friend朋友

child 孩子 children孩子们 pen friend笔友lady女士

六、 职业 (jobs)

teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民

singer歌唱家worker工人football player足球运动员pilot飞行员 coach 教练

postman邮递员 businessman商人police officer警察 fisherman渔民cook厨师scientist科学家head teacher校长 reporter 记者dancer舞蹈家 writer 作家 cleaner清洁工secretary秘书

七、 食品、饮料 (food & drink)

rice饭 hot dog热狗 bread面包 milk牛奶 water水 fish鱼 cake蛋糕 egg蛋

hamburger汉堡 biscuit饼干 noodles面条 chicken鸡肉 coffee咖啡 soup汤

sausage香肠 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner晚餐 meal一餐 juice果汁vegetable蔬菜dumpling饺子 ice cream冰淇淋 meat肉pop汽水beef牛肉

tea茶 tomato番茄 potato土豆 green bean豆角 carrot胡萝卜 sandwich三明治

salad沙拉 onion 洋葱

八、 水果 (fruit)

banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 peach桃 apple苹果


九、 衣服 (clothes)

shirt衬衫 T-shirt丅恤衫 dress连衣裙 hat(有沿的)帽子cap(无沿的)帽子shoe鞋

coat大衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sweater毛衣glasses眼镜 jacket夹克

pants裤 skirt 半裙 sock袜 gloves 手套 scarf 围巾


desk课桌 chair椅ruler 尺子eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔teacher’s desk讲台

pencil box铅笔盒 wall墙 photo照片light灯 fan风扇 bag包 pen钢笔key钥匙

name名字shopping list购物单 flag旗子 stairs楼梯 kite风筝 umbrella 伞

knife刀 fork叉 spoon勺子 chopsticks筷子 bowl 碗 song歌曲 candy 糖

balloon气球 fire炉火 toy玩具 blackboard黑板 box盒子present礼物pet宠物

email电子邮件 map 地图toothbrush牙刷 picture图画floor 地板doll洋娃娃

clock钟 plant植物water bottle水瓶 magazine 杂志 lamp台灯


television电视 radio收音机 computer电脑 phone电话electric stove 电炉washing machine洗衣机wardrobe衣柜door门sofa沙发 shelf书架window窗

cupboard 碗柜dressing table梳妆台house房子 fridge冰箱table饭桌 bed 床

十二、交通工具 (vehicles)

bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 ship轮船car小汽车 taxi出租车plane飞机

boat木船 ship 轮船 on foot步行 taxi出租车subway地铁 by乘 ferry 渡轮

traffic light交通信号灯

十三、地点 (locations)

home家 room房间 bedroom卧室kitchen厨房living room客厅dining hall饭厅

bathroom浴室 study书房hall 大厅school学校playground操场classroom教室

library图书馆teacher’s office 办公室class 班art room美术室gym 体育馆

computer room 电脑室first floor 一楼second floor 二楼garden花园

building建筑物bridge桥square广场zoo动物园hotel旅馆bus stop公交车站

farm农场supermarket超市 bank银行place地方hometown家乡park公园road路

the Great Wall长城village村庄post office邮局 cinema 电影院

hospital医院crossing十字路口 restaurant餐馆museum博物馆 factory工厂

十四、国家、城市 (countries & cities)

country国家 capital首都 city城市New York纽约 London伦敦 Sydney悉尼China中国Chinese中国人Japan日本Japanese日本人人England、UK英国English英国人America、USA美国American美国Canada加拿大Canadian加拿大人Australia澳大利亚Australian澳大利亚人Italy 意大利Italian 意大利人France法国 French法国人Spain西班牙Spanish西班牙人Hong Kong香港Singapore新加坡

Moscow 莫斯科Turpan吐鲁番Macao 澳门Germany德国 Munich慕尼黑

十五、课程 (classes)

sports体育运动 Chinese语文 Maths数学English英语课 science科学 art美术

PE体育 music音乐 notebook笔记本 storybook故事书 dictionary字典

十六、自然和天气 (nature and weather)

snow雪 sun太阳 rain雨 wind风 cloud云

snowy下雪天 sunny晴天 rainy下雨天 windy有风天 cloudy多云天

weather天气cold寒冷的 hot炎热 warm温暖 cool凉爽 river河流mountain山lake湖stone石头 sky天空 moon月亮 flower花 grass草 tree树leave叶

forest森林 hill小山 star 星beach海滩 sea大海


spring春 summer夏 fall,autumn秋 winter冬


east东 west西 south南 north北 left 左 right右

十九、时间和节日(time and festival)

morning早上 afternoon下午 evening傍晚 tonight今晚 next week下周

today今天 yesterday昨天 tomorrow明天birthday生日last night昨晚

Children’s Day儿童节New Year’s Day 元旦April Fool’s Day愚人节

American Thanksgiving Day感恩节Christmas圣诞节 Lantern Festival元宵节

Tree Planting Day植树节 Easter复活节Dragon Boat Festival端午节

Mother’s Day母亲节 Father’s Day父亲节sports meet运动会 May Day五一

Teacher’s Day教师节 China’s National Day国庆节 Mid-Autumn Day中秋节winter vacation寒假 summer vacation暑假 Spring Festival春节ago以前

Labour Day 劳动节half past six 6:30 six o’clock 6:00 ten to six 5:50

二十、星期和月份(week and months):

Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期天 weekend周末

January一月February二月March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月August八月 September九月 October十月 November11月December12月

二十一、数词 (numbers)

one一 eleven十一 ten十 first第一 eleventh第十一

two二 twelve十二 twenty二十 second第二 twelfth第十二

three三 thirteen十三 thirty三十 third第三 thirteenth第十三

four四 fourteen十四 forty四十 fourth第四 fourteenth第十四

five五 fifteen十五 fifty五十 fifth第五 fifteenth第十五

six六 sixteen十六 sixty六十 sixth第六 sixtieth第六十

seven七 seventeen十七 seventy七十 seventh第七 seventieth第七十

eight八 eighteen十八 eighty八十 eighth第八 eightieth第八十

nine九 nineteen十九 ninety九十 ninth第九 ninetieth第九十

hundred百 thousand千 million百万 thirty -second第三十二

二十二、介词 (prep.)


next to与…相邻 over在…上方 in front of在…前面 of …的 after在…之后

about 关于,大约 for 为了,给 to到,去,给 behind在…后边 before在…之前

between两者之间 above 在…上方 beside 在…旁边

二十三、代词 (pron.)

I我 you你(们) he他 she她 it它 we我们 they他(她,它)们

me我 you你(们) him他 her她 it它 us我们 them他(她,它)们

my我的 your你(们)的 his他的 her她的 its它的 our 我们的 their他(她,它)们的

mine我的yours你(们)的 his他的hers她的its它的ours我们的 theirs他(她,它)们的

二十四、形容词 (adj.)

big大的 bigger更大 small小的 smaller更小 long长的 longer更长的 new新的

tall高的 taller更高 short矮的 shorter更矮的 young年轻的 younger更年轻的

old老旧的older更老good好的 better更好bad坏的worse更坏 enough足够的

heavy重的heavier更重的strong健壮的 stronger更强壮high高的bored无聊的

thin瘦thinner更瘦fat胖fatter更胖 smart聪明smarter更聪明broken 破损的

low 低lower更低quiet安静的clever聪明的funny滑稽的thirsty渴的 than比

hungry饿favourite最喜爱的 clean干净excited兴奋的special特殊的 fine好

tired疲劳的angry生气的busy忙碌的 same相同的 lucky幸运的 different不同的

happy高兴sad忧愁的great很好的 right对的wrong错误的many许多的more更多

beautiful漂亮easy简单的 nice好的 cool凉 all所有的little小的cute可爱

lovely可爱地 shy害羞surprise意外的pleased高兴的 proud自豪的 hard努力地

fantastic极好的 wonderful令人惊奇的 blind盲的 deaf聋的 noisy吵闹的


polite有礼貌的 hard-working努力的 helpful有用的 clever聪明的fresh新鲜的

healthy健康的 delicious美味的 hot辣的 sweet甜 active活跃的 deep深的

worried担心的 well好地,健康 afraid害怕 ill生病的 early早的