[超有爱] 新加坡妈妈送给未出世的宝宝的温馨见面礼




亲爱的宝贝Gem Ng,


有一天,粑粑和麻麻聊到了各自成长的过程,发现我们有个共同点——因为缺乏家长的引导,导致情商低,做事效率低,性格有很多缺陷 (幸好我们的智商还好,别担心)。我们比别人多走了不少弯路,麻麻花了近10年的时间,才能和别人站在平等的竞争起跑线上,有了温暖的家庭和亲爱的Gem bunny.



Gem bunny, 有人说让孩子自己去跌跌撞撞获得自己的人生经验会更好,麻麻认同这种观念。只是宝贝成长的过程,少不了父母的正确引导,引导不是干预,分享不是强迫接受,关键在于把握这个度。麻麻能做的就是引导和分享,至于Gem bunny,你的路还是要自己走,棱角还是由你自己选择是否需要磨平。

麻麻粑粑只是希望你拥有幸福的能力,去收获属于自己的精彩人生。所以,这第一次的分享就是关于幸福的方法。妈妈提起多年未动的画笔,用最原始的方法,最简单的工具创作出来的漫画虽然很粗糙,希望Gem bunny未来还是能从中获得营养。



麻麻 婷和粑粑 明

(中文部By 麻麻)。


My dear Gem bunny,

So exciting we’ll meet you soon, counting down the days you’ll find your way out from mummy’s belly.

We’re preparing a special meaningful present for our dear Gem to welcome you into our world.

One day, Daddy & Mummy have a discussion about our childhood and we discovered that we both lack proper guidance while growing up. As a result we both agreed that we have lower emotional intelligence, we lack the knowledge for doing things more efficiently and we have many character flaws. Mummy said, it took her 10 years to be on par with her peers and can finally start her own family & have dear Gem bunny.

Mummy hopes to share with Gem through the comics some life experiences and good habits which has benefited us in our life journey. Such as, the meaning of truly happiness, the habits of highly effective people, love language, man vs. woman (both physically & mentally)…..even now mummy and daddy is still learning in progress. If we had the opportunity to understand these earlier in our lives, we may likely enhance our experience of living and transform the way we live our lives.

Gem bunny, a wise man once said that it’s better to let children go experience their own lives by facing adversities and challenges and we can’t help but agree. But, before baby grows up, parents’ guidance is equally important, guidance is not interfering or forcing our views, the key is to strike a balance. We can only guide and share,  So Gem bunny, the road you have to walk by yourself,  it’s your decision to choose your path.

We hope you gain the power and ability in your pursue of happiness, live your own exciting life. So, the 1st sharing is about the method of happiness. Mummy didn’t draw comics for many years. she use the simplest way to create, it looks rough, hopefully our bunny Gem can still absorb the nutrients from it.

Just remember, we love you so so so much.


Daddy Stanley & Mummy Christine

(English draft by Mummy, revised by Daddy)