



 自2017年成立,Humans.net在美国4个州投入试运营,迄今已经吸引了20多万注册用户,其中60%来自东海岸地区,促成交易量3万多次,还与美国国家报纸出版商协会、大纽约地区商会和纽约黄色的士公司(Yellow Cab)等企业和机构建立了战略合作伙伴关系。目前,平台用户的数量还在迅速增长,并开始向全球扩展。因此,Humans.net准备正式进入亚洲,正在寻找合作伙伴,而新加坡正是理想目的地之一。


“这是一个具有革命性的线上社交平台模式,旨在变革我们在线互动、交换技能与服务的方式,使其更简单高效,”Humans.net创始人兼首席执行官Vlad Dobrynin说。




Humans.net还指出其平台的另一特点:不会收取中间费用、佣金或其他任何隐性费用,允许专业技能服务的供求双方在平台上直接联络、对话、交易和完成支付。而平台的主要收入来源是其研发的Humans Promotion Engine,基于使用人工智能技术来分析用户同意分享的各种数据和线上浏览行为。对于想在平台上推广其产品或服务的企业或个人,这一工具可以帮他们在合适的时候和位置向最理想的潜在客户群传递信息。


(Humans.net公司创始人兼首席执行官 Vlad Dobrynin)



 US next-generation social platform connecting people and businesses to exchange jobs, goods and services set to march into Singapore

Global expansion of Humans.net aims at revolution in how people and businesses connect and trade skills and services, allowing users to control and profit from their data sharing

New York, January 6, 2018: Following a successful trial run in the US, Humans.net, a next-generation social platform empowered by innovative Internet technology and revolutionary user data sharing policy is beginning its global rollout this month and aiming to land in Singapore.

Launched in 2017, Humans.net is built on blockchain and AI technology for individuals and companies to connect and exchange skills and services, with an ultimate vision to become the world’s largest fully decentralized peer-to-peer network and enable more efficient interactions between people and businesses around the world.

After the initial trial run across four US states, Humans.net has attracted 200,000 users and facilitated over 3,000 deals in the exchange of services across the areas such as law,  finance, taxes and training as well as household and garden labor. The project has already secured $10 million seed funding and partnership with the renown organizations including Greater New York Chamber of Commerce and Yellow Cab SLSJET Management Corp.

(Humans.net online platform)

Unlike similar platforms which gather user data for commercial purposes and charge fees, Humans.net is a decentralized platform that allows each individual user to retain and benefit from the ownership of their data with three core values: 

Control: Humans.net is a decentralized platform, meaning that data is solely owned by users and cannot be used without explicit permission. Each user has a unique access key and as a result, privacy is guaranteed. Additionally, the platform uses a unique DNA-based verification system to eliminate fake accounts, fraud and bots.

Transparency: There are no hidden costs, fees or commission for users on the Humans.net platform. They can have real-time direct conversations with one another to reach deal and make online payment. The platform generates revenue through the Humans Promotion  Engine, freemium services for businesses, and an open API for businesses wishing to connect to its database.


Reward: Users who agree to receive advertising via the Humans.net platform receive 40% of the Humans.net Incentive Payment Reserve, which accounts for 25% of the total revenue generated.  

   (Allocation of Humans.net’s incentive payment reserve)

“By leveraging decentralized networks, power is given back to users ensuring no one can use their data without their permission. In today’s world of data driven economies, this is a radical but far-reaching step,” said Humans.net Founder & CEO Vlad Dobrynin. “We are building a revolutionary relationship economics model which fundamentally changes how we interact online and how we trade skills and services.”

(Founder&CEO of Humans.net Vlad Dobrynin)

Humans.net uses advanced AI technology to drive the search process on the platform to let people get swift and accurate search results irrespective of geographical location. The platform is also building an advanced scoring system, in which the recommendations between users are based on the views of relevant individuals rather than a means-based scoring system, to make it more accurate in matching the supply and demand of people’s skills and services.

About Humans.net 

Humans.net is a technologically advanced, data-driven platform serving as a one-stop shop for the people seeking work, help and services. Headed by founder and CEO Vlad Dobrynin, the platform uses advanced proprietary technologies to securely connect people. It is capable of cataloging the skills, knowledge and characteristics of billions of people around the world, serving as a global resource bank for all people and businesses.

HUMANS Promotion Engine is based on complex system of smart interest vectors and prediction vectors, which are formed by AI that analyzes all sorts of activity and data shared by users with the platform, to allow companies or individuals who want to promote their services or products to deliver messages to ideal potential clients at the right time in the right place and in the right feed.

