
新加坡 – 2018年2月9日 – 人们在生活中经常接触到不同的设计,包括平面设计、产品设计、广告设计、影视作品等。能够体现美学、人文关怀,带出在地文化特色的设计,除了能打动人心,也可以成为一个地方的标志与图腾。

为发掘具有新加坡特色的文化创意产品,推动新加坡本土文化创意产业,华文媒体集团与中国工商银行新加坡分行(简称“工行新加坡分行”)联办首届新加坡文创大赛(Singapore Creative Awards 2018),参赛者除了可以获得由本地设计界、学术界、媒体界等知名人士及专业团体代表组成的评审团的点评,还可以赢取丰厚奖金。



这项比赛获得多个机构、学府及团体的支持,评审团包括新加坡设计理事会执行副总监Emily Ong、新加坡科技大学工程产品开发系代主任洪礼祺教授 ,以及本地多名知名设计人如钟瑞玲、余雅琳、蔡汶霓等。


工行新加坡分行曹云川副总经理表示: “工行落地新加坡已经25年了。从2012年获得金管局颁发的特许全面银行牌照,2013年获中国人民银行授权为境外第一家、新加坡唯一一家人民币清算行以来,各种银行业务都取得了迅猛的发展。在发展业务的同时,工行也一直热心支持本地的各种文化艺术活动。新加坡虽然是小红点,但富有创新精神,能够发展成今日社会,靠的是努力开拓的精神。而这种创新精神和我行的企业文化是一脉相承的。这次与华文媒体集团联办首届新加坡文创大赛,也是工行立足新加坡,积极履行企业社会责任,支持推动本地文化创意产业的发展。”



SPH’s Chinese Media Group partnering with ICBC Singapore to promote creative culture with inaugural Singapore Creative Awards

Singapore, 9 February 2018 — Singapore Press Holdings’ (SPH) Chinese Media Group is launching the inaugural Singapore Creative Awards to spur innovation and creativity designs infused with Singapore culture. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Singapore Branch (“ICBC Singapore”) is the co-organiser of the award.

Next year, which is 2019, marks the 200th anniversary of Sir Stamford Raffles’ landing in Singapore. As a lead up to the bicentennial celebration of Modern Singapore, the organisers are inviting contestants to come up with designs inspired by Singapore’s multifaceted culture.  

The competition is divided into two categories, namely the Lifestyle Product and Graphic Design categories. The top winners from both categories will walk away with attractive cash prizes totaling over $20,000.

Ms Loh Woon Yen, Managing Editor of SPH’s Chinese Media Group, said: “The Chinese Media Group has always been a strong advocator of cultural and community events. With a strong belief that arts and technology are strong unifiers which can bring people together, we launch this competition to spur innovations and designs which are infused with Singapore culture. We hope that people from all walks of life will take part in this competition.”

Mr Cao Yun Chuan, Deputy General Manager of ICBC Singapore, said: “Innovation is deeply ingrained in ICBC’s corporate culture. Partnering with the SPH’s Chinese Media Group in the inaugural creative awards to promote the development of the local creative industry is part of our corporate social responsibities in Singapore as we continue to expand and serve the banking needs of the local community.”

Lianhe Zaobao’s veteran design writer Lim Fong Wei will lead an illustrious panel of judges to judge the entries. The panel includes Design Singapore Council Deputy Executive Director Emily Ong; SUTD Interim Head of Pillar, Engineering Product Development Prof. Ricky Ang, The Press Room Founder and Creative Director Kelley Cheng, Co-Founder and Creative Director of forest&whale Wendy Chua. Fong Wei is also co-chairing the competition committee.

Details of the competition can be found on the award’s official website http://project.zaobao.com/creativeawards) starting 8 February.  Participants  are invited to submit their entries from 8 March to 15 April. Winning entries which are selected for the final round will also be showcased at the 33rd Singapore Book Fair from 25 – 31 May 2018.