新中高尔夫球会(SC GOLF)叫你打球啦!


喜欢绿草蓝天,阳光雨露吗?喜欢在球场上跟你喜欢的球友一起挥杆吗?期待SC 高尔夫球会组织的精彩活动,在这里结识新朋友,欢聚老朋友吗? 来吧,来吧, 新的一年,球场会友,就从2018东盟企业高尔夫联谊赛开始!期待从这里开始~

朋友们,是否记得你最得意的一杆?它为你赢得了奖杯荣誉,宝马良驹?又或为你带来了由衷欢呼,倾心仰慕?可是这都比不上即将到来的SCGOLF 2018 东盟企业高尔夫联谊赛上的那一杆的无限可能…… 因为这次,我们可以一杆定终身!

1月19 日RCC ,一杆进洞赢得1.26 克拉价值3 万5 新币的钻戒!



2018 ASEAN Enterprises Tournament

2018 东盟企业高尔夫联谊赛 日期/Date: 19th January 2018 地点/Venue: Raffles Country Club , 450 Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim Singapore 639932 主题:交流, 合作, 共赢Communication, Cooperation, Collaboration 比赛规则:Rules Individual Champion:

1. Honest John Honest John requires each player to make an assessment of his /her own skills Before the game .All players write down what they think their final score for the round will be.At the end of the game, 4 holes will be randomly pick (2 hole per 9 holes) to be the joker holes (meaning the 4 holes will be par regardless what score you get for these 4 holes).The winner is the player who comes closest to his/her guessed score.

2 Best Gross A division Hcap 0-11.9 B division Hcap 12-18.9 C division Hcap 19 and above. Tee box : Male A B blue C white Female All from red tee

奖项设置: 1)Honest john champion, 1st runner up , 2nd runner up ,4th , 5th , 6th 2)ABC division: Gross Champion , Gross 1st runner up , 2nd runner up 3)Biggest buaya , 2nd buaya , 3rd buaya (base on Honest John ) 4)Novelty prize Nearest to the line Nearest to the pin 5)Bobo shooter ( 一袋球王) Rules: Players will declare how many lost balls after the game and record on the score cards. The one who lost the most balls will be the winner. 6)Beer par 3 The players drink a can of beer before teeing off, whoever play on the green will get the prize. A player may choose not to participate. 7)Hole in one 8)Lucky draw

赛事流程 Program: 10:30-11:30 登记 Registration 1130-12:30 简餐 Lunch 12:30-12:45 大合照 Group Photo 13:00-18:30 正式比赛 Tournament 19:00-22:00 颁奖及晚宴 Prizes awarding & Gala Dinner Price:

Early Birds: S$180( SC member) / S$230 ( N-SC member) After 5/Jan/18: S$230( SC member) / S$280(N-SC member)

For registration/enquiry, please contact: Dawn (Coco) : +065- 98150886 Sally( Jiayan): +065-83221970

For more details of SC Golf Club, you may find: www.scgolf.sg www.meetup.com/sc-golf-club Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201338553540205/ Wechat 公众平台: SCGOLFCLUB

关于球会更多信息,请点击浏览网站:www.scgolf.sg;或 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201338553540205/;或 WECHAT 公众平台: SCGOLFCLUB。

SC Golf introduction

SC Golf is one of the earliest Singapore government approved golf club. The objectives of the club are: To promote the mutual love of golf so as to improve golf skills, boost friendships, provide mutual assistance, and actively participate in charities; so as to contribute back to a society that we love and live in. The club will organize periodical internal and external competitions, weekly golf and other activities. We have partnered several golf clubs in Singapore and Malaysia, and members are privileged to play at special prices, obtain priority bookings as well as other benefits.

Currently, SC Golf have an increasing number of members and a pre-member group. Members are from China, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Taiwan and many other countries; all of whom are professionals in the financial, trading, logistics, construction, engineering, semiconductors, IT, service and several other industries. The Club have advanced golfers who can provide a good challenge to any player who wish to contest, and a head coach who will provide warm and friendly guidance to new players.

SC Golf is a non-profit organization, and membership fees are used for the operation of the Club. Members are entitled to a host of benefits. The Club sincerely look forward to those who love golf to join as members.


新中高尔夫球会(SC GOLF CLUB)是由新加坡政府正式批准的非营利高尔夫社团组织。球会宗旨:切磋球艺,增进友谊,互助相携。球会提倡合作和奉献精神,积极参加和举办慈善活动,积极促进新移民融入社会,为社会奉献自己的一份力量。


目前球会拥有近 400 名正式会员和预备会员,会员主要来自新加坡,中国,马来西亚,缅甸,韩国,法国,澳大利亚,加拿大,台湾等国家和地区,是本区域最大的高尔夫球会。会员活跃于新加坡和马来西亚等其他国家的高尔夫球场,是本区域最活跃的高尔夫球会之一。
